The Gateway (Open Marriage and Closed Doors Edition)


I told Domestic Partner I wanted an open marriage, and she went to the front door, unlocked it and said "the door is open, be my guest."


That being said, the idea this will hurt Gingrich in South Carolina is belied by who they elected as their Governor after  the prior one had a sex scandal. Swingers? Newt Wanted Open Marriage, Says Ex




Too close to call, my ass. Santorum ran first in Iowa, and if the missing precincts were counted, he would have won by even more.


I have to dispute the idea that this would not have made a significant difference.


While it would not have made Santorum first or even second in New Hampshire, it would have probably taken the wind out of Newt’s sails almost immediately, clarifying the race, and making it a de facto three way with only two plausibles (though why Santorum should be considered any less fringy that Paul is certainly a fair question). The Semantics and Statistics of Santorum's Win in Iowa





Chait compares Santorum's Iowa victory to the old Fed Ex commercial depicting an aging pool cleaner suddenly discovering a 20-year-old acceptance letter from Harvard he had never received. Romney’s Incredible Luck Continues





Money quote: "Ron Paul may not hate Israel, but people who hate Israel sure seem to like Ron Paul."


Sort of like white supremacists and David Storobin. Ron Paul and the Anti-Zionists





Some food for David Storobin's Thoughts. Dr. King, American Negro Leader, Attacks Soviet Policy on Jews





I attach this KOS version of Mole's blog from the other day for its inclusion of the video of Fidler standing up to Vito Lopez. Daily Kos: THE Key NY Race of 2012: Lew Fidler for State Senate





I think the process for choosing Party candidates in Special Elections stinks, and I don't mind anyone saying so.

What I do mind is people calling only the Democratic candidate “boss-picked.”

The Democrats choose their candidate in the 27th SD by a vote of the 287 County Committee members elected in that district. I've sat through more than one really contentious County Committee nominating process to call it “boss-controlled.” Boss influenced is more like it, and even then a boss like Vito Lopez can only do so much to control the outcome of locals voting on locals in an area where he's not a local.


In the case of the 27th, this meant Lopez could not stop Lew Fidler and therefore didn't even try.


By contrast, the GOP chose its Party Vice Chair–not be a vote of County Committee members from the affected district, but instead by a vote of a couple a dozen Party Executive Committee, members–most of them from outside the Senate District.


That is a boss-controlled process.





Peter Koo trades being one from Column B to being one from Column A. Capitol Confidential » Isaacs: Perry never overcame his late start





Why would they have maps ready when the whole process hinges on Mo Hinchey's colon? McEneny: Congressional maps yet to be drawn | Politics on the Hudson





GATEMOUTH ENDORSES SHELLY MAYER! Mayer Nets Endorsement To Replace Spano




Message to Astorino: "Wake Up and Smell the Coffey" Coffey Recruited To Challenge Astorino, Doesn’t 100% Rule It Out