The Gateway (Santorum’s Barf Is Worse Than His Spite Edition)

JEB BUSH: "I used to be a conservative, and I watch these debates and I’m wondering, I don’t think I’ve changed, but it’s a little troubling sometimes when people are appealing to people’s fears and emotion rather than trying to get them to look over the horizon for a broader perspective, and that’s kind of where we are,"

You know the GOP field has really gone off the deep end when Jeb Bush starts sounding like David Frum. Did Jeb Bush Actually Say That? | Swampland |




Timothy Noah: "If Romney must avoid talking too much about health care or being Massachusetts governor or being a leveraged-buyout high-flyer or being a Mormon, what can he talk about? I predict we’ll hear Romney talk a lot about running the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City…


…while Romney’s Olympic stewardship was certainly effective, it was hardly remarkable—except for three things. One was that the SLOC produced six different types of Olympic pins featuring Romney (“HEY MITT … WE LOVE YOU!,” “MITT HAPPENS,” etc.). Second was that Romney dressed down a teenager directing traffic to an event with such fury that the Utah state police got involved. Third was that the federal government ended up subsidizing the Salt Lake City Olympics by a record $342 million. From this I derive three lessons: 1) Romney’s ego is ready to occupy the Oval Office; 2) Romney has a slightly scary temper; and 3) Romney isn’t quite the budget hawk he’d have you believe.” No Medal For you




Ken Sherrill (From his Facebook page): Props to Mitt Romney! Not many politicians could draw an all-white crowd of 1200 in Detroit.




Santorum says separation of church and state makes him throw up.

Another article contains a quote which documents his beliefs further:

"Of all the great and necessary freedoms listed in the First Amendment, freedom to exercise religion (not just to believe, but to live out that belief) is the most important; before freedom of speech, before freedom of the press, before freedom of assembly, before freedom to petition the government for redress of grievances, before all others. This freedom of religion, freedom of conscience, is the trunk from which all other branches of freedom on our great tree of liberty get their life."


This is arguable, but not per se indefensible–MLK might even agree.


But I note with some trepidation that Santorum's description of the First Amendment's great freedoms is entirely bereft of any reference to the Establishment Clause, which embodies our freedom from having religion imposed upon us. Santorum: Church/state separation not absolute – Political Hotsheet – CBS News




Contrary to the conservative narrative, Obama actually has a strong record of supporting free exercise and interprets the term very liberally (which in this context means very conservatively). Obama's Defense of Religion




Chuck Swanick for State Senate?

Unless another Democrat enters this race, Gatemouth will be endorsing Mark Grisanti, even if he sucker punched everyone in the joint. Erie County Conservatives Abandon Grisanti (Updated)




Pete Gleason accuses Dan Squadron of getting the GOP to draw Gleason out of Squadron’s district.


Far be it from me to defend Danny Squadron, but Pete Gleason is out of his mind.

I'd be even more sympathetic to Danny here if Danny hadn't made the same sort of preposterous assertions about Marty Connor's role in the 2002 reapportionment. Pete Gleason Thinks Daniel Squadron Is Trying To Gerrymander Him




Lew Fidler hospitalized for allergic reaction to medication.

His opponent David Storobin’s response?


Send out a press release accusing Fidler of ducking a non-existent debate.

David Storobin has a lot of class, but all of it is low. Top Storobin Supporter Was Source Of Storobin’s Debate Claim | City and State




In contrast to the behavior of David Storobin, I won't say that Joseph Hayon of Jews for Morality is totally lacking in class, but Hayon’s taste buds are obviously located in his tuchis–which given Hayon’s obsession with homosexuality, might qualify as poetic justice.

Joseph Hayon (on his Facebook page): "Jews for Morality wishes Mr. Fidler a speedy recovery. It is still forbidden to vote for him."

Brocha Friedman Strobel: Why it forbidden to vote for him?

Joseph Hayon:

Brocha Friedman Strobel: Ugh whatever… Rabbis need to get with the times.

Danny Zafrani: I think god did this to him for supporting gays

Brocha Friedman Strobel: Yeah I'm sure Danny….. that makes a whole lot of sense… What happened to the Halacha of not wishing harm or ill will against another jew, even an enemy. n Strobel: Ugh whatever… Rabbis need to get with the times.

Danny Zafrani: I think god did this to him for supporting gays

Brocha Friedman Strobel: Yeah I'm sure Danny….. that makes a whole lot of sense… What happened to the Halacha of not wishing harm or ill will against another jew, even an enemy




It is now 69 days since Carl Kruger resigned and 59 days since the Governor has called a special election for his seat, and yet NY's so-called "progressive" blog, "The Albany Project" (TAP) has still not been able to bring itself to mention the race, even though the GOP candidate is a frothing at the mouth far-right wing pro-authoritarian homophobic lunatic.

Is such apathy the price we pay for nominating a moderate Democrat in a conservative district?

TAP publisher Phil Anderson lives in Brooklyn, so it's not like no one there doesn't know what's going on; WTF gives?