The Gateway (Progressive Zionist Edition)

The "one state solution" is just a step from "the final solution" Goldberg: Anti-Israel State Plan Gets Harvard Outlet




On a new site for "Progressive Zionists," Bouldin proves the term is not an oxymoron and argues that the term "Progressive Anti-Zionist" may well be so. The Progressive Zionist: "Progressive Except for Palestine"




There's nothing really remarkable about this entirely truthful statement, except that it came from the mouth of …Norman Finkelstein [?!?!?]:

“It is not an accident, an unwitting omission, that BDS does not mention Israel. They won’t mention it, because they know it will split the movement, because there is a large part of the movement that wants to eliminate Israel. BDS says we are rights-based. Is Israel part of the law or not? When the International Court of Justice made its findings, it said the June 1967 border is Israel’s border. How can you claim you want to enforce the law and omit that aspect of the law? They don’t want to recognize Israel. …


 …At least be honest with what you want — to abolish Israel,” Finkelstein added. “But you know full well that if you say it, you don’t have a prayer of reaching the public….


 …[instead of calling for two states for two people, organizers of the BDS campaign, the Palestinian Solidarity Movement, call instead for] “an end of the occupation, the right of return [of refugees], and equal rights for Arabs in Israel. And they think they are clever because they know the result of implementing all three … is there is no Israel…


 …The Solidarity Movement says all six million Palestinian refugees have to go back. But will a public think it is reasonable for six million Palestinians to descend on a country that now has 1.8 million Palestinians and 5.5 million Jews — which would mean that overnight you are going to change the demographic balance in the country? Will the public find that rational? I don’t think you can sell it. … When you start inflating the numbers — I don’t know what you want to do. Do you want to resolve the conflict or create terror in the hearts of every Israeli?” . Is Israel part of the law or not? When the International Court of Justice made its findings, it said the June 1967 border is Israel’s border. How can you claim you want to enforce the law and omit that aspect of the law? They don’t want to recognize Israel. …

…At least be honest with what you want — to abolish Israel,” Finkelstein added. “But you know full well that if you say it, you don’t have a prayer of reaching the public….

…[instead of calling for two states for two people, organizers of the BDS campaign, the Palestinian Solidarity Movement, call instead for] “an end of the occupation, the right of return [of refugees], and equal rights for Arabs in Israel. And they think they are clever because they know the result of implementing all three … is there is no Israel…

…The Solidarity Movement says all six million Palestinian refugees have to go back. But will a public think it is reasonable for six million Palestinians to descend on a country that now has 1.8 million Palestinians and 5.5 million Jews — which would mean that overnight you are going to change the demographic balance in the country? Will the public find that rational? I don’t think you can sell it. … When you start inflating the numbers — I don’t know what you want to do. Do you want to resolve the conflict or create terror in the hearts of every Israeli?”
Norman Finkelstein: From Hezbollah To ‘Zionist Bully’? | The Jewish Week




Damning analysis of Romney's handling of class and wealth—from Podhoretz!!!! Mitt’s class problem




Mitt Romney, hypocritical lying sack of excrement (Part 6,375). Romney Outraged At Democratic Mischief




Sideshow Mitt? Life Imitates The Simpsons, Campaign Edition




A big sad fuck you to Rick Santorum.

Though not quite as sad as the article, it's still upsetting to realize that if shown the text, Mitt would just echo Rick (or try to outdo him). Rick Santorum and prenatal testing: I would have saved my son from his suffering.




I don't have a problem with a challenge to Yvette Clarke, but I may have a problem with this challenge. More On The Congressional Run Of Sylvia Kinard, Ex-Wife of Bill Thompson





I'm sympathetic to the idea of another Latino district, but I'll pay attention to what Ambassador Saladin says when the Dominican government listens to a Dov Hikind demand to draw a Super Jewish District in Sosua.


If the Israeli Ambassador had the nerve to intervene on behalf of a Super-Jewish seat, I'd endorse a Satmar to spite him. Fred Dicker And Michael Benjamin Criticize Dominican Ambassador’s Push For Latino District




Colin says Fidler is in stable condition, which is more than I can say for our Comptroller. Twitter / Colin Campbell: Debate organizers: March 1 …




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"Hayon also notes that Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Belsky endorsed David Storobin the day before Rabbi Belsky went to the hospital. Storobin didn't want to publicize the endorsement by Rabbi Belsky – may he have a Refuah Sheliema soon – out of sensitivity to his serious condition. Even in the Hamodia interview, Storobin only refers to Rabbi Belsky’s ‘support’, not endorsement. "

Storobin's respect for the poor health another would be touching, if he also extended it to his opponent, instead of using the occassion to send out    demonstrably false press releases accusing him of ducking debates.

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In what may be a first, Tony Avella has a point. Hey Pols: Tony Avella Doesn’t Want to Hear Your Speech