The Gateway (Class In Unexpected Places Edition)

Cuomo: “Relatively, we have made progress in Albany. It has been 14 months since the governor of the state was indicted or admitted committing major felonies. That is progress,”

Progress defined: We again have a Governor who understands the meaning of Omerta. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Starts Speech With Swipe At David Paterson And Eliot Spitzer





A reminder that, as concerns fighting the continued GOP control of the State Senate, Mario sometimes talked the talk, but never ever walked the walk.

His son is a chip off the old block. Flashback: How another Cuomo explained his decision to sign gerrymandered lines into law | Capital N




Todd Breitbart keeps talking sense about reapportionment (remember you first heard him on Room 8) Cuomo shouldn't accept bad district maps for a 'promised' constitutional amendment




Bullshit patrol: how does one poll a district that does not yet exist? Candidate in Uphill Quest Against Nydia Velázquez Cites ‘Favorable’ Polling




Bring back John Murphy! (If it gets any worse, I might even settle for Fossella) A Grimm February




Already planning his fallback? The man treats districts like Warren Beatty treats women (though he gets better looking women). Kucinich spokesman dodges the Washington option





Apparently "regaining one's stride" is now defined as winning a state full of Mormons and the State you were born where your father was Governor and one of the largest employers.

He's lucky Newt was on the ballot.  Romney Wins Michigan After Tight Race




Yes, I'm sure that, not taken out of context, I'd have a totally different impression of Norman Seabrook’s remarks.

Has anyone yet learned that there is no longer such a thing as a speech given off the record?

Top of Form




It is only a matter of time before a Gowanus Expressway highline is demanded when the tunnel is built to replace the highway (sometime during the second Kucinich administration). A Tappan Zee Greenway




When Rudy took office, I was temporarily transferred from the Community Assistance Unit to the Office of Midtown Enforcement, a wing of the Mayor's Office dedicated to making Times Square safe for Disney. (I called it SNATCH for “Strategic Nuisance abatement Taskforce to Close HousesofProstitution”). This was a holding action until they decided whether to ignore the daily calls from Hasidic Rabbis asking that I be retained. I think I was supposed to quit, but I loved it. Eventually Dov Hikind and the Garson Crime Family saw to it that I was fired, but before then I learnt their MO for finding targets for padlock orders:

They looked at ads in the Village Voice. Council Members Ask Village Voice To End Relationship With Sex Trafficking Site




Slate columnist says we shouldn’t compare transvaginal ultrasound to rape.

What then? A vibrator without the privacy or the fun? Transvaginal ultrasounds: Why pro-choice advocates shouldn’t call them rape.




Is there such a thing as a classy homophobe?


Apparently there is.


A post on my Facebook page


Joseph Hayon (of Jews for Morality): Do you know Mr. Fidler's mother's name?


Gatemouth: Sylvia (also the name of his late mother in law)–do not know her maiden name.


Gatemouth (realizing what this is about): His father was Milton–do not know the Hebrew in either case.


Joseph Hayon: Thanx, prayers can be made in any language.

