A Different Take on Jeff Gottlieb [A Gateway Extra] [REVISED: Bonus Take Added]

The attached story, from 2002 (and several others I've found in my research), has made me revise my take on Queens hack Jeff Gottlieb's laughable, boss-blessed run for Congress.

For over a decade now, Gottlieb has thrown his hat into the ring for every race for an open seat in Queens, even when the seat was going to disappear, or wasn't really open.


Each time, he made some noise, but ultimately, he always faded when the Party bosses asked him to, knowing he'd get his reward if he just waited his turn.


Unfortunately for Jeff, that reward turned out to be a job at the Board of Elections.


Meanwhile, candidates who refused to fold added insult to Jeff’s injury by beating the guys for whom Jeff had stepped aside.


You can almost hear a lifetime of accumulated bitterness and resentment in Jeff’s response to Rory Lancman’s attacks upon him.


It is the bitterness and resentment of those who waited their turn and got screwed towards those who didn’t wait and got what they wanted.


Doubtless, when Gary Ackerman decided to retire, Jeff Gottlieb, without any prodding from anyone, submitted his name to Joe Crowley, asking for permission to run.


This difference was that this time Jeff was finally given the permission he had asked for (fancy that!).


Though not all the support (albeit somewhat more technical assistance than an insurgent would usually expect). Boro insider falls outside Dem party machine plans www.timesledger.com





A Queens Activist writes: 


“Gottlieb was on the board of Bowne House when the Jacob Titus Bowne collection of historical papers disappeared and the Jamaica Town Records were put on the open market without the knowledge or consent of the membership. Everytime Jeff runs for something, the rumblings about this start and then he drops out and keeps a low profile for awhile. Then the cycle restarts.”