Showdown in Pennsylvania: Will the Clintons finally read the writing on the wall tonight?

For the past six months, mainstream media has been playing catch-up with me. Their talking heads have proven over and again, that their analysis fits in precisely with their agenda of pseudo sensationalism: for attention and profits no doubt. This counterfeit sensationalism has thrived because of one simple rule: in US politics most folks refuse to do the heavy thinking. Thus mainstream media will stir up the pot more times than a witch stirring a burning cauldron. And like the witches of Macbeth: mischief is their only brew. This supposedly unending presidential primary between Barack and Hillary has been over since Super Tuesday, last February 5th, 2008; somebody wake up the mainstream media please.

So tonight we will all wait around for the outcome of the Pennsylvania primary. The so-called political pundits are spinning their weaves like Jenny; but for whose benefit? Let me give some things to think about as you sip on your Drambuie later; similar to the many morsels I have been feeding you since last year February; back when Barack Obama announced that he was going to run for the presidency.

Do you recall when Bill Clinton begged Texans to come out and deliver a victory for the Billary team, or else they would be quitting the race? Well I told you guys that at the end of the Texas vote, Barack Obama will leave that state with a whole heap of pledged delegates (because of the formula), and Billary will make little or no gains on his pledged delegate lead. Even NYC councilman Lew Fidler came into to the comment section to castigate me (unapologetically), when I first reported that Barack Obama had won Texas. This past weekend I saw announcers on both MSNBC and CNN still reporting that HRC had won Texas, when we all now know that Barack officially left Texas with a 5 delegate majority: so much for truth in reporting.

As I have said before: mainstream media has a vested interest in pushing this non-existent horse race. They have resurrected the moribund Billary campaign, more times than Jesus resurrected a dead Lazarus. It suits their objective. I am certain that by now, everyone agrees with what I have been saying for months, that the super-delegates of the Democratic Party will not overrule the will of the voters and award the nomination to the loser: HRC. I will go even further and say that they CANNOT do it.

Let me give you some hard-core political reporting from Pennsylvania. In this state there have been 76 public polls taken since January 4th, 2008. Hillary Clinton has won 72 of them. She has won with as much as a 33 point plurality in one of these polls. Barack Obama has won only three of these polls, and all within the statistical margin of error. One other poll was dead even at 45% each. The point here is this: it is easy for the so-called pundits to predict a Billary victory tonight given the numbers I just showed you. But wait; listen to Cousin Rocky folks: Barack Obama will leave Penn tonight, with a whole heap of pledged delegates- no matter what the vote says- given (again) the formula. It’s a Texas de-ja-vu. Hillary Clinton will make no real impact on Obama’s pledged delegate lead. It is even possible for him to lose the popular vote count, but come out ahead in the pledged-delegates count.

Right now, Barack is almost two hundred pledged delegates ahead of Billary; he is almost a million votes ahead of her in the vote count; and he has closed the super-delegate gap substantially over the past three months. When will Billary read the writings on the wall? This is so ridiculous now that the wall is doing its own handwriting on itself.

Next up are Indiana and North Carolina. She will be bludgeoned in North Carolina no doubt, and her chances of winning Indiana are “slim”. In fact I spoke to Slim yesterday, and he told me he is leaving Indiana over the weekend, for Puerto Rico and some island fun. Go figure.

Look, if ever there was an upset waiting to happen, it’s tonight in Pennsylvania. Barack has pumped over ten million dollars onto the airwaves and into other media outlets. He has outspent her like a rich heiress versus a single mother on welfare; both shopping in Bloomingdales at Christmastime. The media spread is about three to one. He has built a grassroots organization on the ground, that is comparable to any he has built in many of the states he has won; plus over the past six weeks, he has brought in volunteers from all over the country: in waves. Many of them have hit the doors of voters with varying levels of success. In some Philadelphia suburbs you can see Obama lawn signs by the hundreds, while Hillary’s are practically invisible. In some places, looking for a Hillary lawn sign is as difficult as finding a black person at a Republican convention. Upon all this he is getting good union help. He has also picked up some strong newspaper endorsements all over the state. Not to forget the many endorsements from elected officials that he has surprisingly snagged.

If Barack’s Election Day pull-operation is magnificent, then folks, you need to fasten your seatbelts for a long night of vote-counting. I am being told that HRC has run out of money. One of the worst things to befall a campaign is this: having no money for Election Day operations. If this is the case for the Billary team, watch the so-called pundits squirm in their seats tonight, as they try to explain what hit them.

Then finally, there is the Philadelphia factor. He will win this city in Rocky Balboa style. Blacks will turn out in record numbers. Many blacks are pissed that they called him an elitist during this campaign stint; they will turn out big. When you look at what happened with voter-registration, you get the sense that this thing isn’t over like the pollsters are saying. Plus there are some other factors and trade secrets that I don’t want to go into here. Point being that Barack Obama- who was once down 33 points in the polls- will do well tonight; win lose or draw.

Stay tuned in folks.