Teach In for Teachout

I was advised by someone wired into New York politics not to question Ms. Teachout’s liberal credentials. But then I got the idea that it is one thing to have liberal credentials and another to act on those principals like Governor Cuomo did in the battle to legalize same sex marriage in the State of New York.


Well I did a little research and could find no reference of Ms. Teachout doing any work for same sex marriage in her home state of Vermont.   I was deeply involved in the effort in New York and don’t recall hearing her name mentioned once on this issue.


I began to wonder if it was time to have a teach in for Teachout and dug a little deeper and found out through gay rights advocates that they know of no work by her on behalf of same sex marriage thereby explaining in part why 85% of voters have never heard of her. By the way one of the leading gay rights advocates I spoke with had never even heard of her before.


Well this fits perfectly with her empty resume. You know the one I am talking about the one with absolutely no experience in New York politics or government but I woke up this morning and decided to run for governor in a state I barely know. Well this is America and you can do whatever you want here so maybe after she loses to Governor Cuomo she can wake up and say you know what I think I will run for president and I think Joe the Plumber will be my running mate.