An Archival Re-Release: I Want Your Sex


NOTE: The other day, while looking for an appropriate same sex marriage link from my archives, I discovered that one of my pieces was unaccountably deleted. As far as I can tell, this is the only piece this has ever happened to.

In the interest of archive maintenance, it is hereby reposted, together with a Roscoe Conway comment I also happened to have saved:


The Gateway (Max McCarthy Memorial Edition) [Opening has been totally revised]


In 1970, a redistricting, and a potential race against a popular member of the local football team, led Richard “Max” McCarthy, a smart and plucky Congressman from the Buffalo suburbs (who'd won his already marginal seat in the 64 Johnson landsiide), to embark upon a kamikazee run for the US Senate.

During that race, during which, in order to dramatize our environmental problems (and attract some publicity), McCarthy went scuba-diving into the Hudson and took a balloon ride in Central Park.

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