The Gateway (The Eyes of Texas Can’t Afford Glasses Edition)


The NYS State GOP chose Rick Perry as its speaker because "At a time when New York ranks at or near the bottom among states in every important metric, Texas is leading the way.

By this they obviously mean percentage of population without health insurance (#1), sub-prime mortgages (#1) and toxic emissions (#1).


Should We Be Whacking the Weiner? (Update Added)


As far as my low-tech mind can grasp this hi-tech story, Congressman Anthony Weiner is being accused of sending a picture of his underwear-covered (in contrast to Christopher Lee) member-item to a young lady on the West Coast in an effort to provide a stimulus package for her Twitter.

In response, he accuses some political hacker of attempting to sit on his Facebook.


An Archival Re-Release: I Want Your Sex


NOTE: The other day, while looking for an appropriate same sex marriage link from my archives, I discovered that one of my pieces was unaccountably deleted. As far as I can tell, this is the only piece this has ever happened to.

In the interest of archive maintenance, it is hereby reposted, together with a Roscoe Conway comment I also happened to have saved:



The Gateway (Max McCarthy Memorial Edition) [Opening has been totally revised]


In 1970, a redistricting, and a potential race against a popular member of the local football team, led Richard “Max” McCarthy, a smart and plucky Congressman from the Buffalo suburbs (who'd won his already marginal seat in the 64 Johnson landsiide), to embark upon a kamikazee run for the US Senate.

During that race, during which, in order to dramatize our environmental problems (and attract some publicity), McCarthy went scuba-diving into the Hudson and took a balloon ride in Central Park.


The Gateway (Ho-Ho-Hochul Edition)


Gatemouth endorses Hochul!

What else did you expect?

Thank you Jack Davis for finally serving a useful purpose.



Although Jack Davis may be a less credible source than my Schnauzer, Cerberus, this story has the ring of truth.

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