2010 Prime News


This year's edition of Prime News, Prime New York's annual report on the previous year's elections has now been mailed.

For those of you who do not receive it in the mail, you can download a PDF of it at our website – www.primeny.com

Please do not use the comments section to point out the typo on page one regarding the Citywide results in the Democratic Primary for Mayor. The Westside’s own Alan Flacks have already done so.

Even Hockey Beats Cable News


I have previously written here about the overblown attention paid to by people who should know better about the various Cable News yakkers. I have pointed out here few people ever watch any of these blowhards.

Here’s a report from Brian Stelter of the New York Times about the US-Canada Olympic hockey game. Imagine how Fox News ratings could improve if they showed the World Series or the NFL instead of Beck and O’Reilly? 


An average of 8.22 million watched the game on MSNBC, per Nielsen. 8.23 million watched election night 2008 on MSNBC