Shooting Victoria


I once had an experience so horrible I just wanted to run as far away from it as I could.  I was on a subway platform when a man rolled down the stairs onto the platform and onto the tracks.  I heard all of this, but did not see it only the sound of his tumble, the screams of onlookers and the oncoming train.  They did manage to get the man off the tracks in time.

Jewish Muslim Summit in Spain


I recently took a DNA test through and I learned that I was not 100% Armenian but rather 36% European Jewish and 61% Turkish/Persian/Caucuses in origin.  My DNA crossed three great people – the Jews, Christians and Muslims providing unique perspectives.  Inspired I ordered the PBS Heritage Series, Civilization and the Jews.

The New Dharma Bums


In the 1950s and 60s Americans became fascinated by the freedom of cross county travel inspired by Jack Kerouac books like On the Road and Dharma Bums.  But today many Americans feel that these are bygone days.  This is absolutely untrue.  There is a new generation of Dharma Bums who just don’t travel the U.S. but the entire world.