Barack Obama’s Broom


Barack Obama’s broom has been busy lately. It has been sweeping caucuses and cleaning up primaries. It hasn’t surprised me one bit, as I have been telling you guys for a while now: you are watching history unfold, folks. Okay: so I like to rub the noses of my detractors into the groundings of my political predictions come true; live with it; get over it.

Last week I told you guys that Obama could sweep the seven upcoming races (including Maine-which everyone and his brother thought Billary would win). I said the worst he could do was win five of seven. I also said that Billary’s best shot for an upset was in Maryland; well take Maryland off the table now. I didn’t even consider The Virgin islands worthy of discussion, since there were only three delegates at stake: but then that was already in the Obama win column. Tonight, I expect Barack Obama’s broom to sweep through the District of Columbia, Virginia and Maryland. Billary will be cleaning up late tonight folks. Start calling her the “clean-up woman”; she will be doing a lot of cleaning up after Obama keeps winning. By tonight he would have won about two dozen caucuses and primaries; this is rally impressive folks: it is time to admit that you Clintonistas.

Post Super-Tuesday Update


I just wanted to get in this short emergency piece on the great Super-Tuesday post-election analysis, because “spin” is exactly that: “spin”. LOL. All through the night, many of you must have heard the spinmeisters weaving their deceptive tales about who won Super Tuesday, but what is the objective reality? Where is the truth? And when do you separate truth from spin?

In yesterday’s contests Barack Obama won thirteen states; Hillary Clinton won eight. The only state still outstanding at this point is New Mexico, and Obama is slightly ahead in the count, plus he won the exit polls. That will give him fourteen when they finish counting this morning, once the trends hold up. As of today Barack Obama has won more primaries or caucuses than HRC, up to this point in the contest. It is worst if you subtract Florida and Michigan from her win column. Remember these two states were places that the candidates agreed not to contest- but Hillary violated the agreement. She went as far as having her name placed on the Michigan ballot (while he didn’t); how crass and unethical. Now her people are threatening to go to court, in order to seat these delegates, which the Democratic National Committee (DNC) – in agreement with all the candidates- agreed not to count.

Hello, Super Tuesday; I’m gonna pin a name on you; after the vote is counted Tuesday: Billary’s Waterloo


I didn’t want to do a pre-Super Tuesday column; I really didn’t. I am so tired of all the bullshit on these blogs, coming from anonymous attackers not wanting intelligent discourse- but just wanting to get their rocks off (and aimed at me of course)- that I thought about taking a pass. However, I have had so many requests for such a column, that I couldn’t wait till next week (to do my now deliberate: one a week column); so here I am; a few days early.

One hundred and ninety three years ago, Napoleon Bonaparte of France fought a battle against the British, and lost at Waterloo; this signaled the beginning of the end of Napoleon’s colorful reign. On Super Tuesday, Bill and Hillary Clinton will meet their Waterloo, when they go into political battle with Barack Hussein Obama in about two dozen varied states. At the end of the night, it will be clear to near everyone (bar the die-hard Clinton-fanatics) that the Clinton dynasty is coming to an end.

The National Organization of Women is Embarrassing Itself Now


The history of the USA is littered with victims; people who have been victimized for one reason or another, from some time period to another. Amongst these groups you could find Native Indians; indentured servants, negroes and other slaves; some ethnic minorities; African Americans in the post-civil war era (especially males); members of a few nationalistic groups – which in the short term suffered discrimination, scorn and the like; and American women in general-women of all races, ethnicities, nationalities and religions.

The one group that will find it difficult to make a comprehensive case for victimization here, is Caucasian males; and despite there being a few individuals from this group, who may be successful in making such a case; for the most part: white males have overwhelmingly run the show since the pilgrims first landed at Plymouth Rock. They have always held power in their hands; power that dominated the social, economic, political, religious, military and other institutions of the country; power that has dominated the every fabric of what is called: “Americana”.

Note to Barack Obama: Tighten the Screws; Now.


Let me posit this: so far in this presidential cycle, Barack Obama may have gotten the four most significant endorsements of any presidential primary candidate ever; and definitely in my lifetime. These are namely (in order of importance): (1) Oprah Winfrey, (2) Caroline Kennedy, (3) John Kerrey and (4) Ted Kennedy. And with these endorsements in the bag Barack Obama needs to tighten the screws on the Billary Clintons. There are many ways to go about this in the short term.

To do this Barack needs to take a picture of himself and Caroline Kennedy, and use in a mailer, where he lifts the op-ed from the New York Times, in which she favorably compares him to her deceased father President John F. Kennedy. Then he needs to mail this to every democrat on the prime list (who is over 45 years old). You see Barack has already locked up the under -45 vote; this will be a coup de grace. After he does this he can stick a fork in Hillary Clinton: she will be cooked; done; finished. This will be one of the most extravagant mailing consignments ever, if he were to run it through all the Super Tuesday states (Feb.5th).

The Vines (01-08)


I will preface this column with some “new rules” that are effective immediately. In the short term I will be doing only one column a week. In the short term, the comment section (thread) to all my columns will be closed. I am not getting into an explanation at the moment; it isn’t important right now. Just last week, Chris Owens admonished me to get back to “quality” and get away from “quantity”; so I will try to appease him/lol.

I start out this “Vines” column with some news that isn’t so good. Mr. Roy Hastick- head of the Caribbean-American Chamber of Commerce Inc. (CACCI) – has suffered a major stroke. It is serious. My best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended. He is recuperating. Roy is a very fine gentleman who has befriended many in the political circles of Brooklyn and beyond.

Crossing the Bounds of Propriety


Contrary to the thinking of some of my detractors here on Room Eight New York, I don’t have a thin skin; that’s why I have stayed on New York’s blogs for the past three years, mixing it up with the best of the anons and with the few who are brave enough to use their own names when they critique me. I spent years in the boxing ring, I do know how to give and take.

Today, I am going to apologize here for the many times I used profanity to express myself; I should have done this better over the years (Chris Owens is absolutely correct about his critique in this regard); and yes my mother never used profanity, and she did teach me to be better than that. My Papa didn’t take any mess but he didn’t use profanity either. I cut across the grain sometimes.

The Hypocrites Hiding Behind the Martin Luther King Holiday (Part One)


In probably all states of the Union, one Monday in mid January is set aside to publicly celebrate the life and ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King, jnr. This public holiday is meant to coincide with the birthday of the man who was christened Michael Luther King, and who later changed his first name to Martin. He was born on January 15th, 1929. He died on April 4th, 1968. He never saw his 40th birthday.

He sacrificed his life in a fight for freedom and equality for all humans (and not just for blacks only); by giving some of the most inspiring speeches ever, by any human anywhere. Before being assassinated, he had sacrificed time, money, brainpower, energy and anything else you could think about, in order to realize his dreams of justice and equality for all.

Note to Mainstream Media: Do Your Job; Please.


There is this trick in politics that seems to work well: tell a lie; tell it over and over and over again; and eventually people accept it as truth. We the people could only hope that when a presidential race comes around, that mainstream media helps us sort out truth from fiction; helps us in fact-finding. If they don’t, then we the people become prey to many lies and exaggerations of over-ambitious candidates (like the Clintons). So here is a note from me to the gatekeepers of the fourth estate: do your job; please.

Mainstream media folks (and all of us) should not forget that in 1992 when Bill was running for president, a story broke whereby some audio tapes belonging to a woman named Gennifer Flowers had surfaced. This woman claimed to have had a lengthy affair with Bill Clinton. On the tapes were recordings of Bill making disparaging statements about a potential rival for the presidency (Mario Cuomo). Bill eventually apologized to Cuomo (Italian descent) for suggesting on said tapes, that he Cuomo (or his relatives) was in some way connected to the underworld (Mafia). Then Bill and Hillary Clinton went on the “Sixty Minutes” television program (CBS) and denied the affair between Bill and Ms. Flowers; in essence they called her a liar. This woman suffered greatly because of this; like many others before and after.

Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey and the Ten Zillion Pound Gorilla (Part Two of Three)


I hate to say: “I told you so”; but I did. And whenever I remind people on the blogs of things I predict coming to pass, there is this constant resentment that predictably emerges from certain perpetual corners. That resentment usually manifests itself by snide remarks or nasty comments in the threads of my columns. But that’s okay; I will plug on.

I told you all that racism will eventually rear its ugly head in this presidential primary and sure as day it did. Go back and see when I did my first part of this series, and ask yourself why I said there will be three parts to this column. It’s called clairvoyance. I am very clear about my voyage/lol.