Note to Barack Obama: Tighten the Screws; Now.

Let me posit this: so far in this presidential cycle, Barack Obama may have gotten the four most significant endorsements of any presidential primary candidate ever; and definitely in my lifetime. These are namely (in order of importance): (1) Oprah Winfrey, (2) Caroline Kennedy, (3) John Kerrey and (4) Ted Kennedy. And with these endorsements in the bag Barack Obama needs to tighten the screws on the Billary Clintons. There are many ways to go about this in the short term.

To do this Barack needs to take a picture of himself and Caroline Kennedy, and use in a mailer, where he lifts the op-ed from the New York Times, in which she favorably compares him to her deceased father President John F. Kennedy. Then he needs to mail this to every democrat on the prime list (who is over 45 years old). You see Barack has already locked up the under -45 vote; this will be a coup de grace. After he does this he can stick a fork in Hillary Clinton: she will be cooked; done; finished. This will be one of the most extravagant mailing consignments ever, if he were to run it through all the Super Tuesday states (Feb.5th).

If he chooses not to undertake the mailing plan, then he should do a national television buy, where he more or less does the same thing; with Caroline reading excerpts from this endorsement, in a colorful ad, using still photos of JFK, himself and her, in the background.

His third option is to get this op-ed piece to as many newspapers as possible before Super Tuesday. This endorsement from Caroline Kennedy was the most compelling that I ever seen in my lifetime. Anyone who was emotionally attached to JFK (and there are many still alive), is going to have to take a long hard look at this piece; it’s the kind of stuff that ends up in the “Hall of Fame” of political endorsements. If it is utilized properly it will be the death knoll of Billary’s presidential ambitions. When you read this endorsement: chills go up your spine.

We are witnessing history folks; right before our very eyes. Stay tuned-in.