Note to Mainstream Media: Do Your Job; Please.

There is this trick in politics that seems to work well: tell a lie; tell it over and over and over again; and eventually people accept it as truth. We the people could only hope that when a presidential race comes around, that mainstream media helps us sort out truth from fiction; helps us in fact-finding. If they don’t, then we the people become prey to many lies and exaggerations of over-ambitious candidates (like the Clintons). So here is a note from me to the gatekeepers of the fourth estate: do your job; please.

Mainstream media folks (and all of us) should not forget that in 1992 when Bill was running for president, a story broke whereby some audio tapes belonging to a woman named Gennifer Flowers had surfaced. This woman claimed to have had a lengthy affair with Bill Clinton. On the tapes were recordings of Bill making disparaging statements about a potential rival for the presidency (Mario Cuomo). Bill eventually apologized to Cuomo (Italian descent) for suggesting on said tapes, that he Cuomo (or his relatives) was in some way connected to the underworld (Mafia). Then Bill and Hillary Clinton went on the “Sixty Minutes” television program (CBS) and denied the affair between Bill and Ms. Flowers; in essence they called her a liar. This woman suffered greatly because of this; like many others before and after.

With straight face they both looked into the cameras, and at millions world wide and they lied. It was an epic of more lies to come. Mendacity: thy name is Billary. It took years later and the Paula Jones (remember her) lawsuit to reveal this lie. In a deposition for that case, Bill Clinton had to admit to this adulterous affair while under oath; but the damage was already done. And let’s not forget Monica Lewinsky, and: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”. Another lie told with straight face to millions on national television. Now here comes another dubious claim being made by the Billary tag team.

Hilary Rodham Clinton has been saying over and over and over and again that she has 35 years of experience in government; so let’s vet that statement. She has been making the claim that she is the more experienced between herself and Barack Obama; this argument seems to be winning over many voters; so lets vet that also. And in the meantime let’s also vet Hilary and Bill Clinton’s true feelings and attitudes toward deceased former president Ronald Reagan, because that is now an issue in this race.

Yesterday, Billary won the Nevada caucus, although it is very possible that from the process Barack Obama may have won one more delegate than she did; but that’s to be decided later. In this Nevada race, Billary’s desperation and poor behavior was akin to what they displayed in New Hampshire. Over the past week there were phone calls disparaging Obama’s middle name (Hussein), in a way that only turns off more and more people from voting for Hillary in November. Here again are remnants of the lie that Obama was and still is: a Muslim. Talk about religious bigotry. They all know it isn’t true; they already fired campaign workers for doing this before; but there they go again. They know that he has always been a Christian; and a practicing one for most his adult life. They also negatively push-polled against Obama and many of his positions; some of the phone calls were downright racist in their substance and tone. Other calls distorted Obama’s record (again). These things aren’t being done accidentally folks; it’s all deliberate. I told you so before. I will tell you so here again. It’s called: dirty tricks; or dirty pool. It’s nasty politics at its worst.

When I reported this in NH, people here said that it was all about sour grapes; well time has borne out my reports; so here I am again. Yesterday, there were hundreds of reports of irregularities in the field against the Clinton campaign. Former president Bill Clinton displayed a lack of decorum totally unexpected of a former president of this great country. He also made loud, vocal and public false-claims of voter-suppression, since the Dem. Party of Nevada cannot corroborate them. He got directly involved with the caucus process, which if not illegal, is at least unethical. He got the head of the MGM casino to intervene in his favor, and in so doing convoluted the process on the strip. He also lied about the weight of the “strip” vote as compared to the overall state-wide vote; and then his wife won 7 of the 9 strip sites after intervention from casino officials and state party officials on his campaign’s behalf, and directly because of his protestations. Billary tried to change the rules in mid-game; rules that they had signed off on months ago.

Furthermore; because of their actions, utterances and behaviors, Billary continues to be reckless with the chances of the party come November. Day in and day out on all the national blogs covering their despicable conduct, more and more voters (thousands) are insisting that they won’t vote for Billary come November-if she does win the Dem. Nomination. Go see for yourselves folks; I know you don’t want to believe me. This is scary. Party leaders and elected officials need to be very concerned. I know you aren’t hearing me now but wait till this plays out. There are polls suggesting that her negative numbers are going up; they were already high to start with. This is an election year where democrats should do well nationwide; with Hillary at the top of the ticket they need to be concerned.

I know a lot of women don’t want to hear this but I am only the messenger folks; that’s all. A lot of blacks are turning off from the Clintons. Blacks used to be the Clinton’s most loyal fan base. As the astronauts say from outer space: “Houston, we have a problem”. Many white folks have already turned off from them (especially white males). Why do you think Barack has been doing so well, so early, amongst whites? Hillary’s main base is now: die-hard elderly women who want to see a woman president before they leave this world. This base is not deep and wide enough to win a general election next November folks.

Right now in Jewish communities all over the country, the smear-machine is doing double-time on Barack Obama. It has gotten so bad that even reputable Jewish leaders like Senator Lautenberg of New Jersey, has had to denounce these vile rumors, smears, innuendos, letters, calls, attacks, etc. However: the damage may have already been done. Dick Morris has advanced a theory that Andy Sullivan and others have subscribed too, which is that Billary is forcing Barack Obama to be a “black” candidate, and is in so doing forcing him to defend that part of his bi-racial make up. This then opens up for white-angst and also for some type of Hispanic backlash. Could there be something to this? Could all these things be accidental or are they a deliberate pattern?

Last week, Barack Obama made a comment on Ronald Reagan that Billary jumped on; just as they did when Obama commented on JFK and MLK. Remember I told you all that they made a mistake then; well they have made another one here. You see there are many democrats (especially in the south) who loved RR, and the way they jumped on Reagan’s legacy will come back to haunt them; especially in a general election; and especially in the south and mid-west.

Barack Obama in his continuing message of hope and inspiration stated that: “Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of this country in ways that Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton didn’t”. Now remember that Barack Obama has gone on record criticizing Reagan’s social policies, thus he was in no way lauding Reagan’s record in that regard. But both Bilary and John Edwards excoriated him for his reference to Reagan. Now it turns out that Hillary lists Reagan as one of the presidents she admires most (see her website). Just last month in New Hampshire she was praising Ronald Reagan, when trying to score political points with a local newspaper. Plus she and her husband have said many positive things about RR over the years; it’s all on record. This is the kind of gumption that Billary possesses. The both of them are a piece of work; truly. They lie like a toupee.

The more she repeats this “35 years” of public service, fighting for civil rights, political involvement, governmental duty, community service and such; the more I want to say: STOP.

Hillary was born on October 26th 1947. Thirty five years ago (1973) she was still in law school as far as I could ascertain; then she married bill Clinton in 1975. She joined the Rose Law firm in 1976 (some say 1977), and was made partner in 1979. Bill Clinton won the governorship of Arkansas that same year; but she continued working for the law firm. He lost in 1981 and was re-elected in 1983. He served till December of 1992; having won the presidency that November. Then he was president for 8 years; and as far as records show Hillary didn’t work for the law firm during the time she was first lady. Records seem to suggest she never went back there after 1992. She was elected to the US senate (from New York) in 2000. She has held office for 7 years. Is she counting all her years at the Rose Law firm in this aggregate (35)?

While I am touching on Rose Law firm, let me remind you guys that Hillary was subpoenaed to hand over legal documents from the firm, and was unable to do this for more than two years. Then, one day, the records mysteriously showed up; in what condition: who knows? Remember also that the firm was involved in a savings bank scandal that took place while she was in their employ.

Even if you allow for the fact that as wife of the governor of Arkansas, and as first lady of the USA, it all counts for governmental service, public service, political involvement and the like; you still don’t get 35 years; not even close. And are we to factor in those years hosting cocktail parties for dignitaries a public service? And those presidential junkets -whereby she accompanied Bill to some foreign lands- are supposed to count also? The fact is, we know what impression she is trying to mendaciously convey: it’s just a ridiculous claim. The mainstream press needs to expose this big lie.

Prior to 1977, we all know that she was a Barry Goldwater girl during the 1964 presidential elections; is she claiming those days as doing public service? I doubt it; especially since Goldwater was vehemently against civil rights legislation. So the question is this: why has mainstream media allowed her to get away with all of this? Especially when Obama doesn’t pad his record of political involvement, community service and serving in elected office. Obama’s record is more extensive and more meaningful in terms of political involvement. He has held elected office longer than Hillary Clinton: that’s a fact.

Hillary is out here calling out the record, but she isn’t saying that she is also creating the record. It’s like boasting to your co-workers that you were the valedictorian of your class, but not telling them that your parents tutored and schooled you at home. Mainstream media needs to get cracking on this ASAP. It has taken them too long to debunk another Billary lie.

Hillary has had 35 years of enabling Bill’s runaway zipper- and she has done this well- but she shouldn’t be rewarded for this; and Bill shouldn’t be working out his alimony payments by desperately, ruthlessly and recklessly guiding her to the presidency. We shouldn’t let them get away with more lies; not again.

Remember: fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

Stay tuned in folks; my pen is still smoking.