Crazy Carl On The Isuues


While Crazy Carl & his merry men complain that their wacky statements have prevented voters from focusing on Carl’s platform, Crains Insider has done that on two of Carl’s plans.


You Don’t Need To Be A Weatherman To Know There Was No Monsoon In Crazy Land


At first glance, it can be hard for a sensible person to decide who is telling the truth in the dispute between the Paladino campaign & the New York Post about whether or not the Post took pictures of Crazy Carl’s 10 year old daughter. But if we look at just one easy to check previous statement by the campaign, we might be able to judge their credibility on more difficult cases.


Dan’s New Dodge


I previously criticized Staten Island DA Dan Donovan for saying he couldn’t endorse Carl Paladino because of the District Attorneys Association Code of Conduct.


Vito Fosella – Man Of Principle


Three cheers to former Congressman Vito Fossella. He’s putting his prejudice ahead of his self-interest. I would have thought that since Islam allows men to have up to 4 wives, Vito would have converted by now.


How Is This Possible?


You might not have noticed it, but two terrorists who tried to attack Kennedy Airport were convicted in Federal Court in Brooklyn this week.


Rudy Guiliani On Parental Responsibility In 1999


After the commercial break, the Mayor continued on the same theme: ''Those are actually the basic fundamental questions that need to be asked, that often aren't and then we displace the responsibility to the police. What about the parents? How was the child brought up? What values were they given? What ethics were they taught? What happened in their church? What didn't happen? These are the basic things that create a lawful society, a decent society.''
