Rangel’s Excuse


"Mississippi gets more than their fair share back in federal money, but who the hell wants to live in Mississippi?"

People elsewhere heard this as New York condescension. I hear something else. What this sounds like is a pre-excuse for New York continuing to get screwed by the federal government fiscally under Democratic rule.

What was the context of this statement? Was it a discussion of why New York is so fiscally disadvantaged despite having an above average poverty rate and a below average median household income? Did someone ask Rangel if this would change?

In any event, Mississippi was a bad example — it is truly poorer than New York, and New Yorkers don't mind contributing to those truly poorer. But that is not all that goes on. Republicans screw us because we vote for Democrats. And Democrats screw us because we are not up for grabs. Seems that nothing will change.

In My Country There is Problem


They say that battles in academia are so nasty because so little is at stake; the same might be said of the Jewish vote. At 3% of the country and dropping, with Muslims eclipsing us for place number one in the list of non-Christian religious minorities, Jews are an important voting bloc in a few states, and a few Congressional districts. Moreover, even in those areas where Jews are a significant constituency, their votes have not necessarily been objects of great contention, mostly because the conclusion concerning their destination has often been forgone.

As a rule, the real Jewish primary is fought in "The Green Party". Jewish political power is at its most potent when Jews vote with their wallets. While both parties benefit, especially from those who view politics as transactional and money as coming in  categories “A” and “B” (despite Tom Delay’s noble efforts to eliminate from politics the nefarious influence of “B” money), “Jewish Money” is for Republicans mostly ice cream on the cake (although these folks are junkies for their sweets), while for the Democrats, it’s three courses, drinks, desert and a midnight snack.

Joe Crowley, Meet Gordon Gekko


Unexpected victories delight everyone. Back in 1984, Senate Minority Leader Fred Ohrenstein decided to diss a local County legislator running for Senate in Syracuse after she’d been dissed by one of her own references, the local County Leader. Waking up election morning, Fred’s Chief of Staff found out she’d won and immediately told all who would listen of his brilliant strategic decision not to draw attention to the race and thereby draw to it Republican resources he couldn’t hope to overcome. The new Senator was Nancy Larraine Hoffman, soon known in both Albany and Syracuse as "The Tail of Two Cities" (and later as "The Tail of Two Parties", a title apparently acquired even before she switched to become a Republican).  



The Green Party consistently nominates really interesting eccentrics for Governor (Malachy McCourt won my heart when he did a one man show as George Washington Plunkett; Stanley Aronowitz is married to the World's Greatest Left Wing Writer; Al Lewis was Grandpa and, perhaps more importantly, Leo Schnauzer)”

Gatemouth 11/6/06

I’m going to have to stop invoking the names of my inspirations as a writer. One too many of my citations to Michael Kinsley's genius immediately preceded the announcement that he required brain surgery. Then, on August 30, in response to the news that Congressional candidate Chris Owens recorded an anti-war song, I listened to the supernal piece of crap and then wrote a review of it in the style of my favorite rock-crit, Robert Christgau (also a pretty fair political pundit in his own right). On September 1, Christgau was fired from his position as Music Editor of the Village Voice.

Why Won’t Our Local Papers Print the Election Results? (Corrected Version)


The Times does an entire section today on the Elections, complete with a State by State summary? But where are the results for our state legislature or local judgships?

But, The Times, after all, is the National Paper of Record, so surely they can't be bothered. But, the Post and Sun are similarly bereft, while the News contains only a list of City's legislative winners with their winning percentage, but no names of opponents, or vote totals. Newsday also had limited information. If only Brittany had been a candidate!

Finally, I looked on New York One. No help for races over the City line (as if who won legislative seats outside the City of New York had any impact upon our lives). But, at least it had all the City races, including judgships; and they proved quite illuminating.

“We Tease Him a Lot, But He’s Got Us On the Spot, Welcome Back” (Apologies to John Sebastian and the Sweat H-gs)


So which US Senate Democrat is rooting hardest for the Democratic victories to hold up in the Virginia and Montana Senate races? Harry Reid? Chuck Schumer? Ted Kennedy?

No. Of course not. It’s Joe Lieberman.

With the victories in Montana and Virginia, independently elected Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman become the Senate Democratic Caucus’ 50th and 51st members. But, Socialist Sanders has no place else to go; and why would he want to go any place else? The Democrats rolled out the welcome wagon to help facilitate his election.

On the other hand, there are those in the Democratic Party establishment against whom Joe Lieberman might be bearing a grudge. And, no matter which schul he chooses to join, Joe makes the minyon. All on his own he is a majority of one.

Congressional Elections – Good for the Jews (and the Buddhists)


While there was some talk in the media about the election of the first Muslim to Congress – Keith Ellison of Minnesota, nobody has talked about the aspect of religion and the new Congress in the way we New Yorkers are interested.

That is – how many additional Jews were elected?

I have the answer.

According to Congressional Quarterly, the new Congress will have 6 new Jewish Representatives and 2 new Jewish Senators.

The new Congressmembers, all Democrats are;

Gabrielle Giffords, Arizona

John Yarmuth, Kentucky

Ron Klein, Florida

Paul Hodes, New Hampshire,

Missed Opportunity


State Senate – District 11 – 232 of 233 Precincts Reporting

  Name Party Votes Pct
  Maltese, Serphin (i) GOP 17,122 51.17
  Baldeo, Albert Dem 16,339 48.83

  “By rights, with a ticket headed by Spitzer…running against “…the latest Albany revolving door bagman (followed on the ballot by a Senate race between Hillary and …“Mr. Lost His Condom in Yonkers” …), this should be a banner year for Senate Democrats, but they’ve had trouble even fielding place-holder candidates in marginal districts. “