Missing the Point on Foley-gate


Wednesday’s NY Post, joining the rest of the right-wing media calls Democrats “Hypocritical Critics” in the Mark Foley scandal.

They compare Foley to previous sex scandals involving Democrats.

The flaw with the argument can be seen on the same day’s Post Op-Ed page. Robert Novak reports "A member of the House leadership told me that Foley, under continuous political pressure because of his sexual orientation, was considering not seeking a seventh term this year but that Rep. Tom Reynolds, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), talked him into running." (No link provided)

What I Would Do About Medicaid 2: The Family of Last Resort Problem


One of the reasons New York spends more on Medicaid is because the health care industry uses its political power to charge more, the subject of my prior post. A second reason is it charges for services it does not actually deliver – Medicaid fraud. A third reason is that New York provides more Medicaid services for recipients than do other states. And as I wrote here, the beneficiaries of most of those additional services are the elderly.

Today’s American elderly are the best off people, with the easiest lives, in history – unless one counts slave-owners. Tomorrow’s elderly, those born after 1955 or so, will not be as fortunate. Entering the labor force after social security taxes were raised, on the wrong end of multi-tier labor contracts, without defined benefit pensions and perhaps, when they reach their 50s, losing health insurance as well, and with limited savings, today’s young and middle-aged will reach old age as social security funds begin to run dry and the debts run up by their predecessors must be paid. We will have to work until no longer able, and will then face poverty. The poverty rate of the elderly, much lower than that of children in recent decades, is likely to explode – unless the seniors use their political clout to tax their own children into poverty, or to wipe out public education, or otherwise do unto their offspring what was done to them.

What I Would Do About Medicaid: Part 1, Prices


What I would do about Medicaid is not what I would do about health care.  In my view, because those in need of expensive care, and those who do not want to pay for them, are free to move across state borders, health care is a national problem with a national solution (see here).

Any state that attempts to provide universal care for its residents will end up providing universal care for all Americans – until its economy collapses and it provides nothing to anyone.  With regard to Medicaid, my goal is to avoid having the health care industry – with its political power and indifference to the consequences of its increasing demands – from destroying other public services and the economy of the state.  Medicaid, for me, is a fiscal issue, not a health care issue, and my goal is to continue to get necessary health care without paying twice as much as everyone else.  That is different from the current fiscal goal – to pay as much as possible in for as little as possible in exchange for political support.  The current situation is a product of incentives – the state government gets to hand out money to its supporters, but other governments are forced to pay much of the cost and impose much of the sacrifice.  My proposal is to change the incentives.

The US Supreme Court Should Be Taken Up To A Seventeen Member Total


Many will argue against what I am writing here and they will give a variety of reasons as to why; that’s expected and that’s fine. In any polity there is a marketplace for ideas; lately the blogosphere (whatever this is/ lol) has been slowly moving to corner a segment of that market. That too is fine, since to me, the more segments to that market the better- even with all those conspiracy theories about “nine-eleven” flying around the internet. Today is Sunday 1st October, 2006; it’s exactly the 216year and 8months anniversary of the first sitting of the US Supreme court (2/1/1790). Its structure was created by the first bill introduced in the US Senate (Judiciary Act of 1789), allowing for a Chief justice and five associates. That bill also created 13 districts with three divisions (East-South and Middle).

Prepare the Rotten Tomatoes


Since I’ve been asked to write for this blog, I’ve delivered a litany of (primarily) fiscal complaint, a series of objections to the ongoing and expanding advantages grabbed by powerful interests in Albany (and elsewhere) at the expense of the private sector working poor, the young, the future, and New York City’s children.  But I try not to make complaints unless I have what I believe are at least partial solutions.  So for state government, and for the month of October, I’m going to provide some.

They won’t make many people on the inside happy.

Has The Black-Vote In Brooklyn Become a Potent Force (Especially In The Democratic Primary)?


In retrospect, the year 2002 can be seen as the year that the black vote in central-Brooklyn grew up a bit. That was the years that Delores Thomas and Margarita Lopez-Torres won countywide judgeships in the county of Kings (and wannabee political-kingpins). These achievements of Delores and Margarita were phenomenal; coming after many years of Clarence Norman, Howard Golden and company, discouraging and/or blocking the challenges of minority candidates, for borough-wide slots. The central argument from those power players was that the votes just weren’t there for minority victories. These ladies sure proved them wrong. Then in 2003, Chadeya Simpson won another of those county-wide judgeships as a black woman; that was when many people started taking notice of the black vote in Brooklyn: especially in the democratic primary elections.

Is A Black Borough President In Brooklyn’s Immediate Future? (Part One).


In less than three years time, a democratic primary winner in Brooklyn will most likely become the borough’s next president. History shows that all of Brooklyn’s Borough presidents were white men (you can correct me if I am inaccurate); but is this about to change? Given the potency of Brooklyn’s black primary-vote, any viable black candidate in the upcoming race for this office will have a serious chance of winning; especially when you consider the victories of black judicial candidates in borough-wide races, over the past five judicial primaries in Kings County. With that in mind, let’s examine the possible black candidates in the upcoming primary.

The Aristocrats (with thanks to Penn Jillette)


A man outside a polling place hands a voter a palm card. “Have I got a political party for you” (imagine the voice of Gilbert Gottfried) 

“Well”, said the voter, “why don’t you tell me about it.”

“Well our party was started as an ego trip by an megalomaniacal multi-millionaire. His main campaign operative has been called ‘The State of the Art Washington Sleaze Bag’ by New Republic, but the operative’s most famous for the personal ads run he's run with his wife seeking partners to satisfy their deviant sexual urges; and when he’s not trying to get his family laid by strangers, he’s busy funneling Republican money to Al Sharpton.”

What’s Inside Gatey’s Lunchbox? (A Tribute to Adam Green)


"Hey, I had one too many, and I thought I was seeing double”

In an effort to curtail problems caused by her husband’s speeding, Republican Attorney General hopeful Jeanine Pirro announced that from now on a former top aide would serve as her husband’s driver: Kevin “One for My Baby and One for the Road” Hynes. Hynes stated he would also be using his expertise to help Al Pirro get re-admitted to the Bar. “There’s not a Bar anywhere in the Country they can keep me out of” said Hynes. Reached for Comment, Hynes’s father, the Brooklyn DA refused to comment about his son, but denied he would be requesting appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate allegations he had celebrated dismissal of Sandra Roper’s lawsuit by lighting cigars with the remaining $200 of Judge John Phillips’ estate ignited over the burning embers of Mark Green’s political career. “You’ve got to stop reading Maurice Gumbs”, laughed Hynes, “He’s as credible as the Jeff Feldman indictment.” Hynes' companion, identified only as "Dennis", then put his cigar out in my face.

More Nonsense From St. Rudy’s Worshippers


Since September 11th, admirers of former Mayor Rudy Giuliani have become such hero worshippers that nothing, least of all Rudy’s record or his public pronouncements, seem to diminish their ardor.

The latest example of such nonsense appears in Friday’s New York Sun.

A previous unknown to me, believer in the cult of St. Rudy, James Coll writes of how, if only Rudy had remained Mayor, the hole that is Ground Zero would no longer be an empty pit.