Another primary not worth a full column.
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Another primary not worth a full column.
No one disputes that articles written by State Senate candidate David Storobin have frequently been linked by white supremacist hate sites.
"Our strength consists in our speed and in our brutality. Genghis Khan led millions of women and children to slaughter—with premeditation and a happy heart. History sees in him solely the founder of a state. It’s a matter of indifference to me what a weak western European civilization will say about me.
Every new decade, we are forced by various constitutions (federal and state), various court decisions, legal frameworks, local charters, and other socio-economic-cultural-political precedents, to do a census count. This is essentially a precursor to reapportioning lines for legislative (and election/EDs) districts: on all levels of government (federal/state/local). You can say that it’s a tradition now.
Things are looking very Grimm.
Every once in a while, one reads something written on an issue and has to wonder out loud, who is paying this guy to be their shill?
Reading The Swerve with spring still in the distance brings tears to my eyes. The book is about the discovery of Lucretius’ poem, On the Nature of Things, and how it resulted in part in a swerve in the trajectory of history and the spring like birth of the Renaissance which one can experience with a trip to Florence where the dull minds of the Dark Ages fell to the power of human creativity and achievement.
Well, that explains it–the reason Eric Adams' house in Brooklyn was moved one block outside of his district and John Sampson's district in Brooklyn has an appendage which resembles Ed Koch's testicles, and minorities in Nassau and Suffol