A few quick thoughts on the proposed reapportionment.
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A few quick thoughts on the proposed reapportionment.
“Soon it will be the Renaissance, and we'll all be painting” –Woody Alle
I know some expect me to talk about the State of the Union this morning, but as much as I enjoyed the speech (and agreed with almost all of it), I would rather talk about things which might actually impact public policy.
I defy you not to cry.
Let's put aside the obvious and historical tidbits.
Let’s face it, even mainstream Republicans will admit, Newt Gingrich is a moral misfit. You know the drill, he told his first wife he was divorcing her on her cancer bed, then he told his second wife that he was having an affair with a young staffer and wanted an open marriage all while trying to impeach President Clinton for having an affair and telling gays that they had no right to take the sacred vows of marriage.
Nine year old Dybbuk sums it up best; recalling the New Republic cover of a few weeks ago depicting the GOP race as a dog show ("and that's the lady who says shutzpah"), he pronounced Newt "King of the Bitches"
Though it may at times be hard to discern, this Department really does have a great underlying and unifying theme, which runs through all its posts, be they about matters international or around the block.