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The Unsaid in the Mayor’s Budget


So NYC public school spending is proposed to increase by $1 billion next year in the Mayor’s budget, while what we get in exchange goes down. Expect the propagandists at the UFT to ignore the former publicly (while it will be high fives all around privately), but for no one else to acknowledge the two facts together and attempt to explain them either.

Also unquestioned — how city existing employees and retirees “earned” the retroactive pension enhancements their unions got in political deals in Albany and City Hall over the past 16 years, and why future employees are worth so much less that their pensions should be much worse than the existing workers were promised to begin with. After all, who would ask those questions? Do younger generations only deserve less in public employment, or in general, and why and according to whom?



It was one of those defining moments predictable in near every US presidential debate. The moment when a speaker steps out of the crease so to speak, and hits for the boundary (cricket talk). Usually, these moments appear when caution is thrown to the wind; and they often give a deeper insight into a candidate’s true feelings and character. But sometimes these moments are scripted. Sometimes they are exquisitely calculated: especially when the candidate is as cunning and cerebral as Barack Obama. One of these moments came during the last presidential debate-cycle. I remember it well.



Last Thursday night, District Leader Lori Knipel (44AD) and the Brooklyn Independent Democrats (BID) held their 14th annual awards dinner.  It was to the place to be. Many of those in attendance were political heavyweights in NYC politics. Six potential mayoral candidates for 2013 came. So too did the state comptroller, some members of congress, state senators, assembly members, city council members, judges and district leaders.

Two Pols In A Pod


For those who are afraid that Donald Trump might actually become the Republican nominee for President next year, I say don’t worry.


Remember 4 years ago and see if these qualities that describe the then GOP front runner in all the polls don’t also apply to Trump. And we all remember what happened to that frontrunner.


Obnoxious New Yorker

Hosted NBC TV Show

Obsessed with golf

B’nai B’rak: Score One for the Heavenly Hosts


Every Passover we learn that whoever searches deeply into the meaning of the story of the Exodus is considered praiseworthy.

An instance is told of five Rabbis at a Seder in B'Nai B'rak who become so animated in their discussion, they were still going at it when the time came for the morning prayers.

Today’s drosh will discuss the un-parting of the Red Sea in the context of last night’s events.