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Fountains of Wayne


I first met Wayne Barrett 30 years ago at the old Varick Street headquarters of the NYC Board of Elections during my first NYC political campaign, trying to sell him on a southern Brooklyn insurgent trying to make a campaign issue out of Westway.

He told me that that was Joe Conasan’s department.

What Happens When The Educated Stop Being Bought Off


I strongly suggest that those who believe I am onto something, with regard to Generation Greed's long term effects on those coming after, read this article about Europe. While younger generations have become worse off than those who came before for some time in this country, the best off and most articulate had continued to prosper until recently, or so they believed because rising debts papered over many things. That's why, in my view, Generation Greed was followed by Generation Apathy.

But in Europe that is no longer the case — the young educated are suffering too. Next up, Generation Outrage. But the real damage will be felt when those born later become old themselves, and really suffer because their countries were bankrupted by those who came before — somehow even more so in peace in the past 30 years than by two devastating wars in the first half of the 20th Century.

A New Day with Gov. Andrew Cuomo


Off and running.

The new governor hit some of the right notes during his low-key inaugural address with his number one priority, creating “jobs, jobs, jobs.”

Real tough times are ahead for the great state of New York.
The projected budget deficit Cuomo will have to close is 10 Billion dollars, and Cuomo promises to do it without any new taxes or fees. That means some serious pain for New Yorkers are right around the corner. From Buffalo to Long Island, the Bronx to Plattsburgh.

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