It’s my birthday, and the end of my second year of commuting to work by bicycle, sometimes three but generally four times each week. This year I had one of those bicycle speedometer/odometer/clocks, and it showed me something surprising. In 365 days I’ve ridden on the bicycle for 359 hours, nearly one hour per day, not for the sake of doing so, but simply to get from here to there and back. What a great deal riding a bicycle to work has been! Until I actually tried it and found a way to work around the usual objections – work clothing, sweat, weather, traffic—it hadn’t seemed practical to me. Now, good health seems impractical without it. How else would it be possible for an overweight, middle-aged non-athlete, with a sedentary office job, a family and other responsibilities, to get that much exercise, nearly an hour per day? No way that I can think of. Not without taking time and/or money from something else. I’m not sure I’ve ever done something so time and cost efficient, relative to the alternatives.