Read any news source and you'll find the realization spreading that the United States is suffering from a crisis of profligacy, addicted to spending more than it earns, using more energy than it can produce, and having a culture of "I want for me now" that has gone on for 25 years. We are facing national bankruptcy even as millions are unable to make ends meet in their own homes, and we face an economic depression unless people in other countries, poorer countries with problems of their own, continue to sacrifice and save in order to lend us more and more money each and every day. And yet in their debates and in their campaigns, the two candidates for President have done little but promise Americans that nothing they do needs to change, that there will be an easy way out, that the government will provide it, and that it won't cost them anything. Instead of Commander in Chief, we have two candidates for Panderer in Chief.
All the talk about energy independence in the last debate was a bunch of hot air, just as it has been for the past 35 years. If the next President wants to be a leader and turn this country around, he's going to have to make requests and not promises, and he'll have to convince people to work together in ways that are difficult in the short run to make things better in the long run. And I have a suggestion — one thing that can be done within months rather than years. Dynamic carpooling on a large scale.