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It seems I can get posts here after all. Anyway, my series examining the extent to which New York City has recovered from the 1970s continues over at Saying the Unsaid in New York. I'll repost here once the new Room Eight, with attachment capabilities, is operating.





The Flaws In The Malcolm Smith CFB Theory


People involved in public affairs tend to see every major event as proof that their previously held theories are correct.

For instance, after the indictment of Malcolm Smith, Mayor Bloomberg said that partisan elections were a reason for the alleged crimes.



As Bob Dylan once noted, birds aren’t really free from the chains of their skyway, and I certainly am not free of mine.

The Gateway (Vito Quinn [or Veto Quinn?] Edition)


The sick leave bill is win/win for everyone.

Labor and the WFP get to claim a victory, while the business establishment gets a bill they can live with, unlikely under its terms to cause much harm to the city's economy or many individual businesses. Quinn gets credit from all sides and some people actually get some sick days.
