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Job Posting II


It seems like only yesterday that Jay Walder left his post as Chairman of the MTA, and I wrote a sarcastic “job posting” for his replacement. The job of the MTA Chairman, I asserted, was to preside over the re-destruction of the metro New York mass transit system, and eventually therefore its economy, while shielding those responsible for it from blame and providing rationalizations. At first by denying it was occurring, and then by taking the blame for it. It is no surprise that like Jay Walder, Joe Lhota has decided to leave that job to someone else.

So this time I’m going to say what the job of the MTA Chairman actually should be, given the situation that has been created by the decisions, non-decisions and deals of the past, if the transit system – or at least some weaker, worse version of it, is to be saved. The job of the MTA Chairman should be to tell people to go to hell. The transit unions, the riders’ advocates, the construction unions and contractors, taxpayers, the state legislature, the City Council, the Mayor and even the Governor. To always bring up the past when discussing the future. As in “you or those who preceded you decided to hand out these benefits to your interest group then, and shift the cost to a future that has now arrived. And any attempt to avoid your share of the resulting pain now is simply a social injustice against everyone else.” The job would consist of a desperate, angry battle with no friends and as many enemies as possible, a constant and much resented attempt to break down any sense of entitlement. That is what would be required to save not only the mass transit system, but also any other institution, in the public or private sectors, in the wake of Generation Greed.

Der Katz Who Came For Chanukah


I finished this story on 12/27/12 (and, except for the Postscript, it should be read as if it was posted on that date). Unfortunately, the story was originally illustrated with photos, and no one, including the owners of this site, seems to be able to post them in their proper place in the story (or at all).