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The Gateway (Nick Pinto is Full of Beans Edition)


What we have in Nick Pinto’s front page-blurbed, six-page gift to Vito Lopez purporting to be a profile of Congressional candidate  George Martinez as a modern day Che Guevara is conclusive evidence that the thing which currently calls itself “The Village Voice” is no more capable of intelligently covering local electoral politics than the average junior high newspaper.


The McLaughlin Group


In the aftermath of Congressman Gary Ackerman’s decision not to stand for re-election in the Sixth Congressional District, several candidates sought the support of Queens County Leader Joe Crowley.  


Stop and Frisk controversy is growing


Stop and Frisk Part two. The way we discussed it on RNN-TV this week.

This as City and state legislators stood side by side with New York's congressional delegation in Washington, D.C. to demand that the Justice Department investigate the New York City Police Department’s controversial stop-and-frisk policies.


Message From Wisconsin and California


So why did blue state Wisconsin re-elect far right Governor Scott Walker? And why did two California cities overwhelmingly approve pension cuts for current employees, with one effort led by a liberal Democrat?

Because a growing share of the rest of the 99 percent are realizing what was done to them. How the public employee unions, relentlessly pursing their own interest with retroactive pension deals and not concerning themselves with the consequences for others, have wrecked the future of public services all over the country. Realizing it after tax increase upon tax increase, service cut upon service cut, year after year, even as those at the losing end become worse off themselves.
