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The Gateway (Levon Leavin’ Edition)


While I (gack!!!) supported Kevin Parker against Simcha Felder when Felder  ran for State Senate in 2008 (in a working class minority district where his fiscal conservatism was not a good fit), it is hard for me to conceive that (barring the return of Seymour Lachman—who may be a bit too modern Orthodox) this district could do any better than either Felder or David Greenfield (and Greenfield is supporting Fel

The Gateway (Amboy Douche Edition)


So, polls show that about 45% of the country supports a candidate who opposes any sort of tax increase under any circumstances, and about 45% supports a candidate who might consider some level of revenue enhancement to pay for vital infrastructure and other future-minded spending.

This presents a conundrum.

Tom Friedman's solution is to divide the sane vote between multiple candidates and facilitate the return of the Flat Earth Society.

New Congressional & State Legislative Districts

I'm please to report that Prime New York's voter file can now produce counts & products for voters in the new New York Congressional, State Senate & State Assembly Districts
We can produce statistical reports on districts and more importantly, we can produce products, including  walking lists and  phone & mailing files.
Contact me at if you have any requests.

Who Are Those Similar Natural Gas Customers?


We try to be thrifty with our energy use around my house, so it’s natural for us to wonder how we are doing, compared with those in similar circumstances. To evaluate if there is something else we could be doing to use less. In the month to March 13, for example, we used 131 therms of natural gas according to our National Grid bill, for heating, hot water and cooking. Is that a lot or a little?

It seems that either National Grid sort of wants us to know, or there is some regulation requiring them to tell us. More likely the latter, based on the quality of information provided. According to our bill, “similar customers’ average usage high/low range” was 37 therms to 297. So what does that tell me about our 131? Nothing.

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