Hillary Clinton Stole the New Hampshire Primary and She Should Be Punished

This is what I have never mentioned before: that when I made my historic call of Obama’s Iowa primary win exactly six weeks before the caucus (first published 11/23/07); I had gotten some high powered info from impeccably credible sources. The info was in essence that Obama’s campaign had put together a ground organization that was superior to every other candidate (Republican or Democrat); far superior than even Mitt Romney’s. Exactly two months before primary day, Obama had already opened up vibrant campaign offices in near every county and was going to be competitive in near every precinct; my info also showed that the organization would be even further tightened up, tweaked and expanded. Plus, Obama was turning out record crowds to his events; had loads of energized volunteers (mainly white youngsters who were fired up like the mini-rockets); and was identifying new voters and first time caucus goers- supportive of his candidacy- like nobody’s business.

I was further able to ascertain, that projections for the Election Day pull were so high, that when the numbers were compared to models of previous presidential caucus turnouts, it showed me a huge win for Obama. Thus, not only did I call his historic win, I was willing to bet money and offer odds to booth. Plus, I went on the thread of my column (comment section) at 8:17 p.m. on 12/08/07, and proffered that Obama will beat his nearest rival by at least 10 points. Go see for to yourself. He beat Edwards by seven and Bilary by eight points. Plus there were many other aspects to my analysis that I won’t get into here for reasons of brevity.

Upon all this (and for disclosure purposes), I do have contacts in the Obama campaign. I also belong to one of his organizations. I know what’s happening on the ground in many places; there are areas of this country where his volunteers are fired up and ready to go; more fired up than the “Energizer” bunny. In New Hampshire the ground game was fair enough, but in no way comparable to what they had developed in Iowa. The campaign moved from Iowa to New Hampshire on a lot of adrenalin and coffee. It also hoped for a bounce from the Iowa victory. The reliance was more on media dramatics and hype, than on ground troops and superior campaign organization. A lot of money was spent on media; television buys are great, but ground troops are still essential. On Election Day, Bilary had thousands of desperate people knocking on doors, motivated to pull out their support. This was far far superior to all the other campaigns combined; and this was probably the only decent thing about Bilary’s shameless New Hampshire display.

Hillary Clinton stole New Hampshire with crocodile tears, lies, innuendo, distortions, push polls, put-downs, dirty tricks, subtle racism and disrespect for a beautiful mulatto (half-white and half-black) human being, named: Barack Obama. It was a gutless, cunning, scheming display of the class the Clintons lack. They should be ashamed of themselves: both Bill and Hilary (Bilary). And last night, when Obama made what must be one of the greatest concession speeches in American history, he displayed the class and elegance deserving of the next president of these dis-United States. He was brilliant; even in defeat.

Before you Bilary fanatics go ballistic on me, let me expound.

Because you are behind in the polls, it doesn’t give you a right to go out and lie and/or distort an opponent’s record. Bilary and their people went to great lengths to propagandize that Obama was not pro-choice. It was an outright lie and they need to be held accountable. It spooked many women (especially single-mothers) who came out in droves, in this record setting primary. Fifty-seven per cent of the voters were women. Bilary’s people put out literature on this abortion lie, they also started a whisper-campaign and further had phone callers spread the big lie with push-polls (telephone calls). They alluded that Obama was pro-life and anti-abortion.

By the time Obama’s campaign got wind of this, and was able to get the woman who headed up New England’s Planned Parenthood group, to go public with a disclaimer: the damage was already done. Women who are pro-choice on abortion came out like droves. Even the pollsters didn’t have time to pick up the movement, since the abortion question was never asked or even filtered in. It was devilish and sneaky. It was further proof that the Clintons will always live up to their Arkansas reputations, as “low-lives”. Can’t you see the Republican hit-machine just waiting to bring Vince Foster back to life?

That was one; now number two. When Hilary used that debate to groan and moan about not understanding why she is disliked, it was the gutless whining of a cold and calculating schemer. Did you observe her body language throughout the debate?

It projected arrogance, smugness, condescension, bitterness, meanness and viciousness. It was horribly disappointing and unmannerly. She showed nothing when compared to the decorum that Edwards, Richardson and Obama displayed that night-even when they were under fire.

When she faked shedding those crocodile tears in the coffee shop, it was a calculated display to further play on the fragile emotions of women voters. It was skillful and cheap. It was also crass. She cannot defeat Obama on style, substance, ideas, message, articulation, grace or charisma, but she can sure whip him by manipulating emotions (especially those of women); she has always been good at eliciting sympathy; especially from women.

Why do you think that most women sympathize with her for Bill’s serial-adultery? They won’t see her as the enabler she is; no way. She has turned that around by playing the innocent victim; she did it again. In doing it this time, she has sunk to an all time low in my book. What do you think will happen if women sense that the men are beating up on the only woman in the race; what do you think they will do? Come to her rescue of course. It’s called: female solidarity. That’s what Hillary projected (victimization and humility); and women came to her rescue.

Hilary Clinton is a power-hungry manipulator. Barack Obama is a very genteel man. She should be punished for what she did to him in New Hampshire. Really.

Thirdly; when she perpetually attacked Obama’s record-with many distortions and lies- she was putting down a highly accomplished man and subtly suggesting that this person (who calls himself “black”) was inferior and not fit to be president. Hillary has been a legislator for seven years; Obama has been a legislator for more than ten. Note that Barack Obama has worked on and passed more legislation than Hilary; by far. Note also, that he has sponsored and co-sponsored more bills than Hilary; by far. He has done more grassroots political activism than Hilary; by far. He has done more grassroots organizing than Hilary; by far. He has run and won more political races than Hilary; by far. He has worked far more constructively with more republicans, democrats and independents than Hilary has; by far. He has a record of bringing people together: she doesn’t. He has a record of working well with all people; she has one of being too polarizing.

So by constantly putting down Obama’s message of hope, and by trivializing his vision, they were not only being unfair, but they were calculatingly playing their race card in a subtle way and marginalizing him at the same time. They were raising doubts about his credibility, electability and qualifications. Not nice Bilary; not nice at all. They know that there are racial undertones to the dynamics of this contest; believe me when I say: they know very well. Do you really think that the statement from Andrew Young (Bilary’s heavyweight South Carolina supporter), that Bill Clinton has fucked more black women in his lifetime than Barack, was unintentional? Don’t be so naïve people. It was calculated and cunning. The zillion ton gorilla is in the room folks: don’t ever forget that.

Look, Barack Obama is as qualified as Hillary Clinton to be president of the USA. In fact in some ways, he is more qualified than she is. Plus he is less polarizing and more inspiring. Don’t forget that when Hillary was given her biggest political task–which was to reform our health care system-she failed. She failed miserably. Can someone (anyone) point to something momentous or profound that Hilary Clinton has done in her political career?

When Bill Clinton dismissed Barack Obama’s campaign as a “fairy tale”, he disrespected the man’s impeccable lifetime record of public service and sacrifice. He attacked his qualifications. He said that voters were: “rolling the dice with Obama”. Damn; what do you think this all was meant to do; laud Obama’s previous political successes and accomplishments? Please….. …………this was a political hatchet job par excellence.

First Bill cried that the press were treating Hilary unfairly, and was giving Barack what was essentially a free pass (another friggin lie). Then he said that Obama hasn’t been vetted enough (another lie); subtlety suggesting that there are skeletons in the closet somewhere; the innuendo being that media should go digging. Then Bilary went further when they invoked the names of Dr. Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, in attempting to smear Obama and put him down; again. This was low; real low. The hunger for power that Bill and Hill (Bilary) have shown is despicable. They will do anything to have it; this is scary.

When Bilary used 9-11 in this contest, to scare up voters and suggest that Al Qaeda will test this youthful, inexperienced and idealistic young black man (as president), it was as low as you could go in terms of foreign policy hits; fact is Hilary is as inexperienced in that area as much as Barack is. To use one of the most tragic events of our country’s history to scare up votes is obscene. Really. To suggest that Obama as president couldn’t handle Bin Laden’s troopers, is treasonous in substance and spirit; how shameful. We are all together in the fight against terrorism; all of us; even Bilary.

Don’t forget that it was their New Hampshire campaign chairman who hinted that Obama could have once been a drug dealer; how low can you go? Do you really think that this wasn’t spread in New Hampshire before the media caught it? And only then did Bilary distance themselves from these crude remarks. This was another subtle racist insinuation (another black/drug dealer). Bilary was up in the polls by over twenty points then, but the Iowa polls were starting to show Obama’s movement; the panic started. Don’t forget that Hilary was up 14 points in the polls, exactly one week ago in New Hampshire; the funky stuff didn’t just start yesterday. Desperation is a bitch, and the Bilary camp sure showed how vicious people can get when they are desperate. It was nauseating. It was despicable.

Don’t forget that their Iowa chairperson had for weeks spread false literature claiming that Obama was a Muslim; trying to deny his Christian heritage and Christian religion; again with racial undertones. In Iowa they deliberately push-polled that Barack was a Muslim, to confuse potential supporters. Some of their minions said that he was a jihadist-mole, planted in the USA over 40 years ago (ditto). Her scavengers have been tirelessly digging for dirt on him, like speculators digging for gold in the California hills during the gold rush days. They have offered monetary rewards over the internet for dirt on Barack. They went all the way back to his kinder garden writings for an attempted hit/smear. Is this the way for someone aspiring to be our president to conduct a campaign? I emphatically say: no. We need to reject the Clintons people; we need too, for our national health. They are toxic.

Bilary should be punished for all this. We really don’t need four years of their lies, scandals and dirty tricks. How dare Bill Clinton smear Obama’s character the way he publicly did. Bill Clinton, who has the credibility of Pinocchio and the morals of a Doberman, should not even open his mouth or fix his face, to insinuate that Obama is deceptive; but Bill did. Imagine the gall of this man of ill-repute.

When Bilary said that Barack voted to continue funding our troops in Iraq, and as such, to continue funding the Iraqi war; what they conveniently chose to leave out was the fact that Hillary voted the same way. These two are a piece of work; I swear. Look, I rest my case; for now.

In baseball, a batter often tries to stretch a hit deserving of only a single, into a double; it’s called: pushing the envelope. I tried to do this last week. After my historic Iowa prediction, I tried to push a single into a double even though I should have known better. I called New Hampshire for Barack (more wishful than cerebral- as I sometimes do). I felt if things go smoothly I would escape with this chance I took; I was caught trying to steal second base- because of all these lies, smears, innuendo, dirty tricks and such, of the Bilary machine. I am pissed; and when I am pissed I am not the gentleman my mother raised me to be: so Clintons beware.

To the Obama fans: don’t despair. Barack is strong in South Carolina and competitive in Nevada. Bilary will lose the respect of many voters for what they did here.

Stay tuned-in folks; I intend to work harder than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest, in order to get Barack this nomination. Watch my pen smoke.