The White Queen

Chess is a war game that does in contradistinction offer insights into world unity.

You see chess can be traced to India. From there it spread to Persia then to the Arab world and finally Europe. So it was an Eastern game that became beloved by both the East and West.

It is an ageless game that shows how the world can all enjoy the same pastime. Better to play at war than to actually engage in it with all its misery.

Like sports chess is an alternative to war having the challenges of battle without the bloodshed. And again all can safely enjoy chess the world over.

When did we change from a world that spreads the secrets of games to one where the secrets of nuclear annihilation are spread. Perhaps if our politicians and scientists spent a little more time playing chess they would spend less time engrossed in war.

War divides chess unites. Both have worked their way into popular culture however one harms while the other engages. Perhaps it is time to embrace the white queen rather than flee it.
