So, it’s come down to this; an occasional piece when the fancy strikes, plus a monthly Gateway summary of my sporadic FACEBOOK posts, just to keep my toe in the water.
Author: Gatemouth
The Post Prefers Spreading Innumeracy to Fighting Illiteracy
|Having paid for pre-K (and two years of nursery school before that) out of my own pocket to the tune of around $15 grand a year (in 2008 dollars), I understand not only its necessity, but why we must subsidize it for those who can’t afford it—a class I regard as including myself.
Dispatches from the Garbage State
|AMIRI BARAKA: "Who knew the World Trade Center was gonna get bombed
Gatemouth Grab-Bag [2013 General Election Analysis – Part Four]
Out of what little remains of my lingering sense of obligation to both of my readers, I promised myself I’d finish up my observations concerning the November election results before the year ended, but I didn’t promise it would be particularly interesting (though I would have to note that I share the blame for this with the voters).
Orthodox Pundit Roundup Continues [2013 General Election Analysis Part Three]
As I previously noted, in attempting to do my year-end round of stories on the local election returns, I was stymied by the fact that Orthodox Pundit had already beaten me to some of the best stories and has already said a lot of
If Mario Proccacino Was Alive Today, He’d Be Turning in His Grave [2013 General Election Analysis, Part Two]
In our last visit together, we began our exploration of the November election returns with a look at the most interesting local race; we now turn our attention from the undercard to the main event:
Deutsch Uber Alles [2013 General Election Analysis, Part One]
GATEMOUTH (December 20, 2009): Listening to the complete Aladdin Recordings of Charles Brown; essentially what the King Cole Trio would have sounded like if they were black
Some Advice For Dybbuk’s New Friend
In anticipation of the soul-deadening process of public school middle school admissions in the City of New York (the single greatest cause of middle class flight from the City), ten year old Dybbuk’s been attending a math tutor to boost his chances for the Mark Twain math program.
Pre-Election Rundown
Starting in 2006, this department began a venerable tradition of posting a column bemoaning the lameness of the local GOP in p