Confucian Model for American Government


There are two ways to approach Confucianism.  One is religious the other philosophical.  For our purposes we will take the later approach.  Many people are dismayed with the way American government is now working at the national, state and local level.  Our system of government is marked by greed, a thirst for power, inaction and corruption.


Parallel Faith


I had written recently that you could create a new world religion by using a common framework that applied to all the world’s religions thereby synthesizing them all into one.  It was pointed out that this could not be done because either you believed Jesus is God or he isn’t.


A New Global Religion


I have written in the past how it is possible for someone to pick and choose things or practices from various religions to create their own customized individual religion.  This can be taken beyond the individual to the entire world through the creation of a new global religion based on a common framework rather than specific common beliefs like that of heaven or the consciousness going on after death as expressed in commonality by Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and Buddhist for example.  <


Rome And Jerusalem – America and the Jewish People


Right wing kooks, probably the most intolerant people on the planet, are pointing an accusatory finger at the Occupy Wall Street protestors and charging them with being anti Semitic.  This is probably quite a hilarious accusation considering that many of the protestors are themselves Jewish and in fact organizers celebrate Jewish holidays at their park location.


Obama The Arch Avenger


Ronald Reagan wanted Qaddafi.  He did not get him.  Bush wanted Bin Laden and he did not get him.  This is because they did not have the instinctive military genius of President Obama.  The president knew that victory went to the side that had superior military technology and he used that advantage.  He deployed highly trained boots on the ground Navy Seals to terminate Bin Laden and he used drones and our eye in the sky without need for a boots


We Are The New Romans?


The Romans were a warrior race who always believed that their actions were just and that it was the other side that was being unreasonable or provocative of the might of the empire.  Sound familiar?  Just look at the Iraq War or even the Mexican War that U.S. Grant himself called an “unnecessary war.”


Management Politics


Three very successful Republican leaders were and are Governor George Pataki and Mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg.  Their success is due to their management skills more so than their ideological bearings.  Don’t believe me?   Well I was on the late William F.


Common Law Common Knowledge


Nowhere is the idiocy of conservative ideology more apparent than in matters of the law.  First let us clear the air.  Conservatives accuse liberals of using the courts to make law and that this is wrong because the Constitution should be strictly interpreted.  Yet it is Conservatives themselves that legislate from the bench and this is quite obvious from Citizens United a case that overturned a hundred years of law.

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