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Dear Mr.” Gatemouth”:

I have chosen to go this public route (open letter) because some folks I do respect strongly requested that you and I end our long public blog-feud. Thus I invite you to meet me to initiate a discussion as to how we could totally resolve this. I am willing to invite five other Room Eight colleagues (Ben Smith, Gur Tsbar, Judge Boyajian, Larry Littlefield and Vincent Nunes) to such an event (meeting): as both observers and participants. I will bring a couple people as my witness (between Darryl Smart, Pam Miller, Ernie Skinner or Wellington Sharpe). You probably know them all since they are longtime political activists in the Brooklyn political theater. 

Tim Pawlenty Is No Peyton Manning


I was planning to write something explaining why the Iowa Republican Straw Poll was like National Football League Preseason games.


I was going to say that neither has even a mediocre record of predicting success by pointing to the fact that only one winner of the Straw Poll has ever been elected President and that the San Francisco Forty Niners were the NFL Preseason champs last year at 4-0 and finished the regular season 6-10.


They Walk Among Us


My friend Regina reports in response to my Who Killed the Waltons blog that a Mrs. Godsey on that show was most likely a tea bagger.    This is a shocking revelation that pushes tea bagging back to the show’s origins in the 1970s and perhaps even further back to the time in which the show took place, the 1930s.

The Next Ground Zero Mosque or Willie Horton


Has the Obama Administration lost its mind? “Uncle Sam is landlord for at least 90 thousand homes that owners lost to foreclosure, and tens of thousands more in the pipeline as families are evicted and properties are appraised…Today the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is asking for information from industry and the public on what might be done with the inventory currently held by mortgage giants Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Housing Administration…One option: turning foreclosures held by the government into rental homes. That way, cheap foreclosures would not compete with other houses on the sales market. Local companies would probably be asked to manage any government rentals.”

Here’s the Republican commercial: “At one time this was a solid neighborhood of decent, law abiding families who took pride in the homes they owned. But then the federal government took over a bunch of houses and started renting them out to poor transient people from out of town. Now crime is up, there is trash in the street, property values are collapsing and people have started to flee. It’s this neighborhood today; it could be your neighborhood tomorrow if Socialist social engineer Barack Obama remains President.



Hopefully, this is my last time dealing with this topic. I am simply responding to a column written yesterday by Howard “Gatemouth” Graubard, who has promised to leave Room Eight New York politics and open his own blog site. He also promised to take some of the writers from Room Eight with him, in hopes that this site will die on the vines. Some fine chap he is. Obviously wishing the worst to a place where he was afforded the opportunity to express himself freely for almost six years now.

Tea Bagging In Iowa In Need Of A Golden Shower


Yes it was the same old same old among the GOP presidential hopefuls marching through the fields of Iowa.  You know the drill, gay bashing to appeal to religious kooks, tipping the hat to wealthy fat cats by equating corporations with people something that will make Justice Scalia a curiosity to future historians and so forth and so on leading one to wonder with this drought of ideas why does Iowa have such a big say in the future of America.