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Generation Greed: Political Affiliation


Some essay writers for the Wall Street Journal have noted an ace in the hole for the Republican party: the “flower power” generation of the 1960s is increasingly right wing. The article is behind a pay wall, but let me summarize. This generation was left wing in the 1960s and early 1970s, because they objected to the Vietnam War and Watergate. But once they became older and started families, they became increasingly Republican and Conservative. The trend has continued into old age, an asset for the GOP since older voters vote in large numbers, younger Americans don’t bother, so both parties have to compete to meet the preferences of the old.

I agree with the trends, but not with the reasons for the trends. The party loyalists who wrote the WSJ article see changes in ideology, but I just see the continued pursuit of unenlightened self interest. At every point, but particularly back in the 1960 and early 1970s, it is a mistake to judge the intentions of this generation by what certain high profile members said, rather than what the vast majority did. Peace, love and understanding? Anti-materialism? There were some who pursued those ideals, and continue to do so. But getting laid and getting high, and avoiding personal responsibilities, were the real goals of the “Silent Majority” in the 1960s. They later moved on to avoiding social responsibilities, and thus became more likely to vote Republican.

Generation Greed and the Debt Ceiling


Imagine this. In mid-2013, President Mitt Romney asks to increase the debt ceiling so he can borrow money to provide benefits for today's seniors while continuing to collect taxes as the lowest level relative to GDP in 60 years. "We owe it to our children to make a deal," he illogically claims. And a large rump of newly elected Democrats in the house threaten to depose Speaker Nancy Pelosi, now back in charge, unless the federal income tax rate is increased to 90 percent on those earning more than $500,000 per year, with no spending cuts. The impass leads a possible financial and economic meltdown. Until Romney knuckles under and agrees to tax increases (with no spending cuts), but only on the politically powerless and younger generations. (Just as Obama is being pressured to agree to just spending cuts, but only for the politically powerless and younger generations).

Enough of this nonsense. As a result of Generation Greed, our taxes are going up, our public services and benefits are going down, and our standard of living is going down, unless our cronies on the corporate board vote for our salaries or we have a public employee pension. But Generation Greed politicians would rather engage in theatrics and finger pointing than face the reality of what they have collectively done. Let the meltdown happen now. Otherwise the rot just continues. They staved off collapse in 2008, and merely preserved the wealth of the wealthy. Bail out the wealthy, or you get another Great Depression. And here we are three years later, blackmailed again. And here we will be in two years. In a collapse everyone gets hit. Perhaps it isn't the worst case scenario after all. Perhaps only a disaster will stop the "I want for me now!" chant we've been hearing for 30 years.

The Gateway (MSNBC Outfoxes Fox Edition)


I still think Anthony Weiner should be MSNBC’s next prime time host, and if they’re looking for a black host, I’d go with either Eugene Robinson or Melissa Harris-Perry, but even though I agree with all of McWhorter's criticisms of Sharpton and might even go further, I don't know where "right and wrong" comes into a hiring decision at MSNBC.

If Sharpton pleases the network's existing and profitable fan base, or expands it into new potentially profitable demographics, then it is the "right," decision.

A Centrist Case Against a Party of “The Radical Center”


When it comes to international affairs, Thomas Friedman seems a sensible guy, equally subject to criticism from leftie Israel bashers for being anti-Palestinian and right wing Zionists for being anti-Israel.

But once he lands in the States, all Friedman’s brains seemingly go out the window.

For a while now, Friedman has been one of punditocracy’s leading voices calling for the creation of a third party of the “Radical Center.” .

Turning Japanese


WIKIPEDIA: In common English usage, a Kabuki dance is an activity or drama carried out in real life in a predictable or stylized fashion, reminiscent of the Kabuki style of Japanese stage play. It refers to an event that is designed to create the appearance of conflict or an uncertain outcome, when in fact the actors have worked together to determine the outcome beforehand.