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State of the Nation


I was talking with my 82 year old mother in law about the state of the nation trying to figure out what happened here with politicians putting their own personal gain ahead of the good of the country and she says the problem is what has happened to the Republican Party, they’ve gone off a cliff.  She and I are both former Republicans and I knew she was right.

The Conservative Blight


My mother in law likes to ask if tax cuts to the rich creates jobs because the rich are the “job creators” than where are all the jobs.  The answer is there are none because the claim is just more crank science from conservatives based on made up factoids that are completely fictional in nature.

A few thoughts on this Sunday


A City Mourns.
Our hearts are with the family of Leiby Kletzky, the 8-year-old Brooklyn boy who got lost while walking home alone from day camp in his Orthodox Jewish neighborhood and was killed and dismembered by a stranger he had asked for directions. Leiby’s remains were found stuffed in a trash bin and the man's refrigerator, police said last week. The suspect, Levi Aron has been charged with murder.

Pension Deceiver as Scapegoat


Those who read my posts consistently know I'm not pleased with Comptroller Liu. His union backers decided to destroy public services despite the highest tax burden in the country by getting their retirements, already richer than just about anyone gets, enriched further. But they don't want to admit that's that they have done, so Liu has used misdirection in a series of reports to pretend that isn't what has happened, hoping they'll back him for Mayor.

Today I note that the fact that the New York City pension funds are in a far deeper hole than the New York State pension funds has hit the blogosphere (if not the MSM). And New York City's Deputy Mayor is trying to pin the difference on one year's worth of returns and Comptroller Liu, who oversees the city pension funds. Well, sorry but inadequate returns are NOT the reason for the city's greater pension hole, and taking more risk in a situation in which assets are overvalued is NOT the solution. This problem has been building up for decades, and Liu just got there.

Shocking new study. Prison can actually extend the life of black men

I don’t know if African Americans should be offended at this? Should society as a whole be embarrassed?

Or should this be a wake up call for the times we live in. Frankly where do you file this one?

The surprising new study says prison can actually extend the life-span of black men.

The study out of North Carolina found black males were about half as likely to die at any given time if they were behind bars instead of on the streets.

Of Race and White Men


There should be no need to defend an American president.  Our presidents are supposed to be strong almost like super heroes these leaders of the free world, of the planet in fact.  But there comes a time when one must be compelled to intercede into political affairs and stand by our president a leader elected to the highest office by a majority of American voters under the rules of our great democracy.