The Latest

A Rory Pause


The latest rumor in the race for the Democratic nomination in the 9th Congressional District is that Party Leader Joe Crowley’s choice has narrowed to either Assemblyman David Weprin or Assemblyman Rory Lancman.

Rumor is that Councilman Mark Weprin is backing his brother.

The other day, I made the case for Weprin

How does Lancman stack up?

Post Your Comments to Rock’s Sampson/Cuomo Piece Here


Yeah, I know you know it’s me, but I have my reasons for posting here.

The last time I got into a pissing match with Hackshaw, he wrote or suborned about 1001 pseudonymous posts calling me a racist, and I felt compelled to answer them on my blog.

As a result my archive started stinking like the Gowanus Canal.

I regard my archive as a precious possession, and want to preserve its value. By contrast, this blog has over time evolved into my B-List dumping ground, and is this a perfect place for crap like this.

The Gateway (Brady Bunch Edition)


Thought for the New Week:

Matrimony loves company

And that, my friends, may not be its sole resemblance to misery.



The Times: “In drafting a compromise, however, Senator Saland and other Republicans insisted on language that carves out exceptions for religious institutions and not-for-profit corporations affiliated with those religious entities….There was simply no need for these exemptions…"

Wrong. There was a need.

They were necessary to get the law passed.

Marty Golden Loses a Supporter (and Gatemouth Got it in Writing)


Robert Caro: “There is an expression used in Albany to describe the relationship of two men between whom there exists bad feeling when that feeling has existed for years, has resisted every attempt at reconciliation and has only deepened with the passage of time, to a point where ‘dislike’ is not so fitting a name for it as ‘hatred.’ In discussing such men, one assemblyman will say to another, with a knowing shake of his head: ‘They go back a long way’”



The last time we saw William “Billy” Thompson (some call him “Bill”), he was trying to impress everyone that his chances of defeating Mike Bloomberg were way better than most pundits thought. He was absolutely correct: but he lost the mayoral election anyway. You see: a bunch of democrats sold him out. Those modern-day “Judases” drank the mayor’s Kool-Aid with one hand, and took his dirty money with the other.  Plus Billy just didn’t make his case as urgently as he needed to.



For the past six years I have been subject to ridicule, silly personal attacks, not too subtle put-downs, unnecessary critiques, invectives, epithets and the like: from folks who seem not to understand that I am not on the blogs to cuss out folks and enter into verbal tiffs near every damn column. I was invited to join this writer’s colony by the founders: it was their call to make me one of the original contributors. I didn’t ask for the invite. I was reluctant because I suspected that I would be subject to the very abuse I have received.

© Room Eight