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Surprise, Surprise


Suddenly, everyone is in a panic. Housing prices are falling, stock prices are falling, and businesses are not hiring. Is anyone surprised? Stocks are overpriced, based on the average dividend yield, and corporate profits are inflated by rising government debts which allow businesses to pay less and sell more. Younger generations are worse off than those who came before, as a result of the decisions of those who came before, and will have to pay less for housing. And corporate executives have had basically one idea for the past 15 years — move production to lower wage countries, and then sell the resulting product to Americans. Who came up with the money by borrowing until they were broke, and the government stepped in to postpone the collapse of the economy until it is broke. The executives paid themselves richly for that one idea. They have yet to come up with another one.

You want a booming economy? Look at this chart. We'll have a booming economy when our debts are back to normal levels. Optimistically, that will take a decade. Pessimistically, we're Japan or Weinmar Germany.



I am pissed at Anthony Weiner. I have been for a couple years now. I think he suspects it. I suspect he remembers when I confronted him at the Central Brooklyn Independent Democrats (CBID) meeting two springs ago. I am certain that he reads my column regularly (well, he has told me so a few times now).  When I wrote that he will regret not running against Bloomberg last time out, I guess he thought I was just being obnoxious. I wish he would honestly tell us all, how he now feels in retrospect.

Census Education Finance Data: Where Are the Articles MSM?


The U.S. Census Bureau has released its education finance data for FY 2009. I'm compiling it as I have the time, and will write about it when I'm done. But this year, no one should have to wait for, or rely on, me. As they said they would do when I attended a symposium a year or two ago, the Bureau’s Governments Division is releasing more “derived data,” that is data that has been tabulated to be more comparable. For example, its current report features extensive revenue and expenditure data per $1,000 of local residents’ personal income and per student, with data per student by category. In fact, spending per student by category is available not only for states, but also for individual school districts with more than 10,000 students. Including, of course, the City of New York.

I’ve seen two MSM discussions of this data. The New York Times did not see fit to write about how much is spent in its own home city and state, but did write that nationally school spending wasn’t going up as much. And WNYC mentioned total per capita spending for the U.S., NYC and New York State, but not spending by category. But the MSM could look at that PDF report and write a comparison of spending by category right now. Yet it hasn’t. Instead, the dishonest, self serving propaganda about the proposed NYC budget by various self-interested groups has been duly reported on, on a “he said she said” basis. Is there something is that data that no one wants to talk about? Or is the problem that the Census Bureau doesn’t have a staff of flacks writing press releases that, combined with a quote in opposition from one of the usual suspects, constitutes a story? The actual NYC story is laid out below.

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