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Do As I Say Not As I Do


One feature of the past 20 years is the ongoing attempt by Generation Greed to convince, or force, today's youth not to be the kind of irresponsible jerks they themselves had been when younger (and in some ways still are while in charge or our institutions). I live in a city where a retiree health insurance fund has been raided to get through a recession, and some pols want it raided more now that the recession is over. I live in a state where localities outside New York City have been encouraged to shirk making required contributions to the public employee pension funds, borrowing against them instead. I live in a country that collected additional regressive payroll taxes from workers for nearly 30 years to "Save Social Security" for younger generations, then blew the added funds on older generations' tax cuts and health spending, leaving behind IOUs. That country is now borrowing from federal pension funds to pay the bills.

I was shocked to find out, in the wake of the housing bubble, that many Americans were running their personal finances just like our governments, perhaps based on the same values. And now, some pols are proposing this.

The Gateway (Court Street Lunch Edition)


Yesterday, I saw a guy on line at "My Little Pizzeria" wearing a sandwich board announcing that the world was ending on Saturday.

I walked in and told him, "If I thought the world was ending that soon, I'd be getting lobster for lunch"



Last Friday at lunchtime, Downtown Brooklyn was swarmed by Chabadniks; when the third one in the course of fifteen minutes stopped me to ask if I was Jewish, I said "No, G-d gave me this face because he has a sense of humor."



John RINO (Kagan section modified)


Multiple sources say a resignation by indicted State Senator Carl Kruger may be imminent.

However, a source close to Kruger told me: “Carl is not going out until he is forced to by operation of law. Those options are losing a primary or general or a conviction. No truth to the rumor.”

That sounds more like the Kruger I know, but we shall see.



Guys like Donald Trump are the kind of people who made 1789 a great year for regular folks like me. Here is a guy born with a gold spoon stuck in his mouth and with a silver spoon protruding from his ass. And yet, he swears he is “all that and a bag of chips”; but he is not. He was born on second base and swears “he hit a double”.

Property Rights and the Fishkill Supply Depot


In a small community 60 miles north of New York City history and patriotism have squared off against the age old American belief in the supremacy of property rights.  Let me explain, the Fishkill Supply Depot was a military camp that supplied all the American forces operating in the Hudson River Valley during the duration of the American Revolution.   Without the Depot there would have been no victory at Saratoga and no turning point in the war.

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