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Last December I wrote a column suggesting that Brooklyn’s next borough president should be a woman. I even suggested one: Lori Cintron Knipel.  I feel that it is time to make history in Brooklyn.  It’s time for a woman: case closed.

After I published that column, some people asked:”why not a black, Hispanic or Asian?” I have no qualms with either of those options, since such an election will also be historic.  Anyway, that column brought a little attention, and it was requested that I revisit this topic as soon as I got a chance to. So here I am.

6,100 Teachers. Looks like Bloomberg wasn’t bluffing, but will the Council stand up to him?


Historically, layoffs are often threatened as a budgetary bargaining chip.

In other words, the mayor basically yells what amounts to “fire” in a crowded theater, and more often than not, the money surfaces from the State or Washington, and the bad news is avoided. (layoffs in this case)

However this time, Mayor Michael Bloomberg is not bluffing, and for the first time since the 1970’s, public school teachers are looking at pick slips. A loss of 6,166 teachers, including an anticipated 4,100 layoffs.

Dybbuk’s Complaint (and Rock’s)


It was Monday Night, and Domestic Partner had commandeered the TV away from eight year old Dybbuk, as she sometimes did, to watch an important news story.

But this night was different from all other nights. She was taking no chances about anyone spoiling this story for her.

Instead of MSNBC, we were watching CNN.

Dybbuk was already displeased, but he then threw us for loop.

He was a bad guy, but no one should be killed. I am not happy when anyone is killed.”

The North Atlantic Economic Union


Jeremy Rifkin in his book the European Dream points out the differences between the European and American Dreams.  Unknown to many Americans is the fact that Europe has more population and an equal GNP when compared to the U.S.  Meanwhile on the other side of the globe China is coming into its own as an economic superpower threatening both European and American supremacy.

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