Karl Rove apparently thinks President Obama will be re-elected or that a Republican President will keep Hillary Clinton on as Secretary of State.
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Karl Rove apparently thinks President Obama will be re-elected or that a Republican President will keep Hillary Clinton on as Secretary of State.
On 12/8/10, I wrote: "Sorry, I’m not yet convinced that “The Great Sell-Out” is the route to our salvation (although I might feel differently were I unemployed), but I could possibly swallow it if they add Zadroga, DADT, Dream Act and START"
Well, we got three out of four, and no one sane really believes we would have gotten even one without the sellout (which, I note, Kucinich voted for because his constituents need the unemployment benefits)
It always seems the projects that are supposed to save the city money, or increase city employee productivity are the ones that end up in major scandal.
And these corruption scandals always seem to happen to NYC mayors in their third term.
This scam, known as CityTime — was supposed to save money by consolidating and automating hours clocked by city workers — but just the opposite happened. Skyrocketing cost overruns went from an initially budget in the range of $63 million when it was launched in 1998.
I remember in grammar school being chased every day by bullies. But twice a week after school I found refuge in the Hicksville Public Library Bookmobile which was parked in front of the school after classes. The bullies never entered this domain sort of like the sanctuary offered in some cases by churches.
Looks like New York lost another two seats in Congress, but NYC’s share of the state’s population is going up. I wonder how they are going to take one or both of those seats out of New York City, without putting existing suburban legislators at risk from being voted against by new voters?
Texas gains four. It seems that most of the growth is in Blue portions of Red states.
Take this test and pass it on to your more literate friends.
This is what it took to accomplish an eight grade eduction back then.
Remember when grandparents and great – grandparents stated that they only had an 8th grade education? Well, check this out. Could any of us have passed the 8th grade in 1895?
GATE: We always help our Christian friends and relatives celebrate Christmas , but we don't celebrate it for ourselves, because we don't believe that Jesus is the son of G-d.
DYBBUK (age 7 & 3/4ths) : That's because we are all G-d's children. Even though you have a father and I have a father, we are still children of G-d
This article about Nydia Velazquez as savior of the Brooklyn “Reform” movement gets much wrong every which way.
Nydia has been a constant and unremitting Vito Lopez enemy for at least two and a half decades, and in contrast to the article's assertions, has injected herself many times into races in Lopez's turf, sometimes even running her own staff, when most members of Congress would have just concentrated upon their own business. Supporting Lincoln Restler is not an anomaly for her.
Someone once said that Captain Beefheart was Howlin’ Wolf crossed with Ornette Coleman (which might not be that farfetched; Ornette once played in Pee Wee Crayton's Combo).
I’ll admit Beefheart's not for the squeamish, but neither is politics; so if you‘re a regular reader of this column, you can probably take it.
A recent report in the New York Times stated that it appears that the United States Supreme Court led by Chief Justice Roberts is under the sway of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce when it comes to business interests. One court supporter went so far as to say it was a response against business regulation through litigation.