Even before Election Day, when it became clear that this was going to be a good year for Republicans, pundits & pols began debating what caused the turnaround from 2008.
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The Gateway (Paint It Black Edition)
|The fact that the unions don't seem to like Black may actually be a point in her favor, but I defy you to find another one.
The Whole Klein Black Thing
|Is something that I know nothing about, and makes no sense to me. So I can’t help but imagine scenarios based on what I do know.
How The Irish Could Save The Parade And The LGBTQ Community
|As winter approaches many are seeking to avert its discontent thinking instead of spring the season of rebirth. And with spring comes St. Patrick’s Day and with that the New York parade honoring this saint. Yet the marchers still prohibit Irish gays from marching as their own in the grand procession.
The Gateway (The “Is It Because I’m Black?” Edition)
Pick hit of the week:
Pataki: Conservative Light
|The New York Times reports that former New York governor George Pataki is considering a run for the Republican nomination for president. Mr. Pataki would be a formidable candidate in the GOP primary carrying with him moderate appeal and conservative credentials.
Trivial Pursuits (A Drosh on the Jewish vote)
As Latke Gravas once observed, senseless and meaningless rituals are all that separate us from the animals. And though sometimes resembling a zoo more than a salon, the Gatemouth Family has a few senseless rituals of our own.
We break Passover over Liberty Ale at the Waterfront Alehouse; on the Sabbath, Domestic Partner doesn’t eat pork or shellfish, or commit adultery; and every two years I write a piece analyzing the votes of the 2% of Americans who consider themselves Jews.
SOME POST-ELECTION MUSINGS: Including Bloomberg and Barron (again).
|Some wise-ass political thinker once said that “we get the government we deserve”. Another went even further when he said that “we get the exact government we voted for”. And on most elections nights you would hear commentators saying things like: “the people have spoken”; or that “the voice of the people is the voice of God”; or that “these results are the people's will”. But are these cliches correct in terms of their deeper messages?
The Gateway (Half-heimer’s Edition)
|Had only one new item and wasn’t gonna post a column tonite, and then discovered I somehow accidentally forgot to use five items from this week I’d previously posted on my Facebook page.
Sadly enough none had gone really stale
Long Island Needs ESA And Doesn’t Need ARC
|If there is one group of people who should be pleased with New Jersey Governor Christie's cancellation of the ARC Tunnel, it is Long Island homeowners and businesses. New Jersey Transit's ridership to Manhattan has been soaring and now, according to the Wall Street Journal, more people are riding MetroNorth in the Northern Suburbs than are riding the Long Island Railroad, as LIRR ridership falls. The article implies that poor LIRR service is to blame, and Long Islanders are choosing other ways to commute to Manhattan, while reverse ridership has boosted MetroNorth. But based on anecdotal evidence I suggest something different: those who hold high-wage jobs in Manhattan, which has the largest concentration of high wage jobs in the country, and want to live in the suburbs, are not choosing to live on Long Island. In fact, they are not even considering living on Long Island, unless they are from there. And the importance of this can be explained with a question: do people on Long Island want to sell their homes to those who are about as well off as they were at the same point in their life, someone better off, or someone worse off who can’t afford someplace better?