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Jimmy McMillan for Landlord [REVISED]


Most annoyingly, the day has been filled with Jimmy McMillan puff pieces.

OMFG, JIMMY'S being interviewed on MSNBC by Larence O'Donnell!

The upside of being the blog world's expert on Jimmy McMillan‘s raving lunatic obsession with THE JEWS is that those few outlets willing to mention that fact in passing sometimes give me a link . Today I got what I think may be my first ever link on The Albany Times Union’s Capitol Confidential. I was also linked on the News’ Daily Politics and Ben Smith's Twitter feed. 

The Latest Greater New York Hospital Association Propaganda


With another round of sacrifice coming in Albany, likely to be shared among those with less political clout, the Greater New York Hospital Association has started dishing out the propaganda. And with the New York Times no longer simply repeating what it says as fact, the factoids instead appear in this New York Magazine article.

The main GNYHA argument is apparently that because those who work in or with New York hospitals get more compensation, costs are higher, and therefore the government needs to give them more. That is the same argument top executives use for their own compensation across corporate America – because I voted while on your board to pay you more, you should vote on my board to pay me more. It is the same argument that public employee unions use to ratchet up their pensions – because you cut a deal with union A, we in union B deserve that deal too. It conveniently ignores the labor market most people are in, one where pay and benefits have been cut to remain “competitive.” Competitive for what? Competitive to attract the dollars spent by those with choices. As opposed to money received from the government, into which people have to pay whether they like their deal or not.



I am sure you have heard all the recent predictions from so-called political experts: of gloom and doom for democrats in next month's nationwide elections. They have been saying that polling results are showing a large enthusiasm gap between democrats and republicans in near every state, which would translate into gains for republicans in both federal and state legislatures. They say more republicans  will turn out to vote than democrats, and that this has been fueled by the Tea Party movement. I caution people to consider this: polls are just snapshots in time, and as such they are subject to overnight change. I also caution people that the same movement (Tea Party) ostensibly driving republican turnout, could likewise motivate Dem turnout. Perceptions that President Obama is being disrespected by certain elements within the Republican party, will surely spur turnout in this midterm election, and as such I expect that there will be a slightly higher nationwide voter-turnout than what historically occurs in mid-term elections. I predict that election-night results will show democrats in surprisingly good shape compared to the predictions: there will be some hemorrhaging as expected, but it wouldn't be a bloodbath as the pundits predict. I expect Democrats to retain both houses of Congress.      

Cuomo has to be ecstatic with the debate

Going into the debate Andrew Cuomo had the most to lose, and yet when the hour and a half session was over–he appeared even stronger as the clear front runner in the race.

Cuomo avoided any gaffe and appeared gubernatorial.

It was Cuomo’s nemesis Carl Paladino who seemed like he was completely out of place. Paladino didn’t challenge or attack Cuomo once. Paladino appeared nervous a good deal of the time. Perhaps he was trying to show a softer side to appeal to voters, or perhaps Paladino was just completely out of his element and not ready for prime-time.

The Jimmy McMillan Show


THE NEW YORK TIMES: Jimmy McMillan, Rent Is Too Damn High

AGE 64 HOMETOWN Flatbush, Brooklyn

OCCUPATION Retired letter carrier for ZIP code 10018 in Midtown. CLAIM TO FAME A Vietnam War veteran, he travels city streets in his car shouting for social justice. A perennial candidate, he was called an anti-Semite during his mayoral run in 2005 for blaming rent problems on Jewish people.

Tonight’s Debate in the race for Governor


8:15 p.m

An hour into the debate, and the Cuomo folks have to be ecstatic! No one has laid a glove on Cuomo.

In fact it seems Cuomo’s lead nemesis, Carl Paladino has run the other way, not criticizing Cuomo at all.

Perhaps Paladino is trying to look gubernatorial by appearing substantive, but the problem with that is for the first 30 minutes Paladino looked, and came off as very nervous. He hasn’t said anything outrageous.

The Moderators are tackling a number of topics: The budget, taxes, MTA.

Cuomo has not lost his cool. He has come off the way he had too – as the one who will lead Albany out of chaos.