But that move, perceived as bullying, locked his place in political history as an example of what not to do during a debate with a female candidate. Clinton's support among women voters was solidified. Lazio may now again be in a circular firing squad of one.
Rick are you running scared? Big Mistake to turn down the NY1 debate
|The Gateway (You Say Sharia and I Say Halacha–Shabat Salaam Edition)
"A singer who performed in front of a “mixed audience” of men and women was lashed 39 times to make him 'repent.'"
Can you believe those crazy Muslims…What? He was sentenced by a bunch of Rabbis?
Umm…never mind.
Shabbat Shalom everyone! FailedMessiah.com: Rabbinic Court Gives "Sinning" Singer 39 Lashes failedmessiah.typepad.com
The State Senate Primaries (Part Two): Basil “Faulty” and the Charter School Boys Choir
|GATEMOUTH: And while I share the DLC’s willingness not to invariably come down on the sides of the unions or other traditional liberal allies (say, on charter schools), I find that, on many of these issues (like charter schools), I end up skeptical about the new ideas in actual practice.
LEON WIESELTIER: …The New York Times published a warming story about the rage for charter schools among hedge-fund managers. It appeared in "Sunday Styles," and was a fine glimpse into the current fashion of "social entrepreneurship" and "philanthrocapitalism“….But what irked me… was the usurpation of the moral prestige of the public sector by the social prestige of the private sector…one of the most effective methods for the delegitimation of government in our day has been the notion that charity may do the work of public policy, that private wealth is the answer to social crisis.
The Gateway (Thinking of Changing the Name to “The Daily Chutzpah” Edition)
|Chutzpah of the day: Barron calls Fidler a racist without cause, and then says Fidler is the one who needs to apologize. Councilman Lew Fidler Abandons Challenge To Freedom Party Petitions: Updated www.nydailynews.com
Beacon Concordance on Combating the Politics of Hate
|Beacon Concordance on Combating the Politics of Hate
By Michael Boyajian
“What’s so funny about peace, love and understanding.” — Written by Nick Lowe and as performed by Elvis Costello
A group of elected officials, candidates, community leaders and concerned citizens gathered on the shores of the Hudson River at the BEAHIVE in Beacon, NY on August 25 to discuss how to combat the politics of hate and the inducement of fear. What came immediately to mind was the film Contact where the Jodie Foster character is told we begin with little steps that is how it has always been done.
The Gateway (Oh Tannenbaum Edition)
|Chutzpah Award of the Day
Rabbi Gershon Tannenbaum:
“Opposition to the building of the mosque is not an issue of religious intolerance or a matter of us versus them…People of all faiths should be appalled by the Imam’s remarks and very frightened at the possibility of terrorist monies funding this endeavor.”
Rabbi Tannenbaum is Director of the Rabbinical Alliance of America. The Head of the Rabbinical Alliance, Rabbi Abraham Hecht, was the Rabbi who issued a fatwa against Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shortly before his assassination The Yeshiva World Hikind Calls On Bloomberg To Withdraw Support Of Ground Zero Mosque « » Frum Jewi www.theyeshivaworld.com
The Thundering Silence of a Straight Ally
|The Thundering Silence of a Straight Ally
By Michael Boyajian
The New York Times recently produced an investigative report on how gay cadets were living a lie at West Point denying their sexuality for the sake of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Straight allies have also been forced to live a similar lie no less devastating. Case in point, when I was in publishing I hired a new editor. He was from a good sized New Jersey newspaper and he had good credentials just what we needed to lift our magazine back to its former glory. It never occurred to me nor did I care that he might be gay. He had excellent credentials.
The Gateway (Reshma Saujani Learns Yiddish Edition)
|I don't know if one could call it ethnic pandering, but Congressional candidate Reshma Saujani has gone out of her way to show she knows the meaning of the word "chutzpah," by criticizing her opponent, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, for being insufficiently supportive of the Young Men's Islamic Association proposed to be located at the Holy mother Coat Factory.
On August 4th, when asked about the Park51 facility Saujani said, “I think we need to make sure none of the funding is coming from any terrorist organization, I think we need a process to do that.”
This is a position that puts her to the right of GOP Attorney General Candidate Dan Donovan.
Further, Saujani then upped the ante, proving she's not only a panderer, but totally ignorant of how local government operates. Her answer to who'd conduct such a complicated investigation: “This is where I think the community board can get involved and get engaged in doing that.”
As I pointed out previously, thanks to the efforts of the boyfriend of Saujani Supporter and former Pataki Administration Banking Commissioner Diane Taylor, NYC's Community Boards barely have enough money to evaluate local zoning and monitor City services in their areas, yet Saujani wants to saddle them with national security investigations unjustified by probable cause.
Ebonics, a 12 year old selling drugs, and the Moynihan Report
45 years ago this summer, then an Assistant Secretary of Labor, Moynihan famously warned that the collapse of black family life would mean rising chaos and crime in the black community. Critics said he was blaming “the victim.”
March On Film to Debut at Austin Gay and Lesbian Film Festival
|March On Film to Debut at Austin Gay and Lesbian Film Festival
By Michael Boyajian
March On the monumental documentary directed by Laura McFerrin will debut at the Austin Gay and Lesbian Film Festival September 12. The film features coverage of five families along with 250,000 participants as they march on the nation’s capital in support of marriage equality.