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Gatey: Your Mosquecow Correspondent (The Gateway)


Apparently, The Holy Mother Coat Factory was not the first choice for the site of the proposed Young Men‘s Islamic Association; they tried to acquire different locations first. Park Place was just where they happened to find a building they could buy. So to Answer Pamela’s Geller's constitutionally protected bus ad question, "Why there?" –"that's why; you miserable hate-spewing bitch"

I guess as someone who lives by the Gowanus Canal, I’m just a bit tired of the “Why There?” question. As Polls Go Against the Mosque, Bloomberg Preaches Religious Liberty – Page 2 – Columns – New York –




It was more than 2 months before I sent my editors a new column for publication on Room Eight New York Politics (; and now, over the last week I have submitted two columns for publication: so I am back in the saddle again (so to speak).

I must admit that over that period I did consider walking away from writing here or anywhere. I stayed because I have always refused to end this blogging thing on anything but my terms: thus I will be sticking around a bit longer, since the last blog-flare up left me more convinced than ever, that there have been elements committed to chasing this audacious black Caribbean-American man off the NY blogging-scene: and that’s not going to happen. I presume it will be much to the chagrin of my “haters” for now.

Stuck Between Hadleyburg and Fudgpakistan (The Gateway)


Conservative blogger proposes a gay bar next door to the Young Men's Islamic Association to be located at the Holy Mother Coat Factory. I would not oppose this, especially if they carried some good microbrews (though I will note that State Liquor Authority regulations would probably restrict it to just wine and beer); however, adding a Swiss Pork Store, a Talis dealer and a Puppy City would seem to be gilding the lily. But in the end, it's New York; so love it or fucking leave it. I also want not oppose putting a gay bar next to Ruben Diaz's church. I'd say the same of St. Patrick's Cathedral, but one would have to be very careful about carding the customers. 'Ground Zero Islamic Gay Bar': Good Idea? | The Atlantic Wire

Not A Book In The House But A Rifle By The Door: Voter Trauma In Fishkill


Not A Book In The House But A Rifle By The Door:  Voter Trauma In Fishkill


By Michael Boyajian


I recently went door to door in Fishkill with New York State senate candidate Didi Barrett and listened and made observations as she spoke to a diverse group of voters in one neighborhood.  First of all we visited voters of all enrollments but the nicest person was a Democratic woman who loved cats.  She smiled attentively and asked good questions of Didi as three kittens played around her feet.  Didi in the end told her she had some beautiful kittens and she smiled and said thanks pledging to vote for Didi.

This is Just Too Damn Nuts


Last year, I took some heat from all over the political spectrum for my multi-part crusade against raving psychotic anti-Semitic lunatic Jimmy McMillan and his Rent is Too Damn High Party.

People defended their right to ballot access, people defended those who made alliances of convenience with them, and people said they were harmless, so why bother.

But I contended they were doing real harm, including helping Bloomberg’s re-election.

Islam Not A Religion of Hate


Islam Not A Religion of Hate


By Michael Boyajian


Many Americans today feel Islam is a religion of hate.  This is due to 9-11, our war against the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and the Iraq war itself.  Some Americans have become so frenzied in their false beliefs that they are against the building of mosques in their communities.  This is sheer madness and in part due to the fear induced by opportunistic politicians.

Xenophobia: Human Nature or Character Flaw


Xenophobia:  Human Nature or Character Flaw


By Michael Boyajian


Matt Bai in a New York Times Op-Ed piece makes the claim that anti-immigrant fervor is not an American character flaw attributing it instead to human nature.  Well, we Americans are supposed to stand above human nature so this xenophobia of late is indeed a character flaw in many but not all Americans.

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