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The Gateway (Really Inconsequential Weekend Fish-Wrap Edition)


I think that those accusing Bill DeBlasio of being weasely on the Young Men's Islamic Association proposed for the Holy Mother Coat Factory are just traveling on cruise control, accepting the received wisdom that DiBlasio would handle this issue like he handles everything else.

That's unfair.

Yes, normally, it would be offensive to assume that anyone (even our surprisingly outspoken Mayor) would object to investigating the source of the "Mosque's" money if there were an actual credible national security concern (and the investigation were conducted in the normal course of business by the FBI or the Department of Homeland Security rather than in public by the NYC Council Committee on Cultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup Relations).



So we are all watching as Senator John Sampson goes through his OJT (On the Job Training) as the majority conference leader of the state senate. The title in itself is as redundant as a recurring decimal. It is only meant to appease another very flawed and obviously failed elected official named Malcolm Smith (Sampson’s predecessor). Smith is another of the many black leaders who have now become major embarrassments. Apparently black leaders don’t seem to mind when the mainstream media piles up on flawed, failed and corrupt Hispanic electeds; and I say this because my observation over 37 years has been that you will hardly ever see black electeds publicly coming to defend their Hispanic colleagues. And yet, as soon as a black elected is exposed for his/her indiscretions, extravagances, corruption and abuse, some fool will jump out from behind some supposed militant rock to proclaim it’s some kinda conspiracy against black electeds. It is so predictable it isn’t funny anymore; and it has nauseously played it self out ad-infinitum. 

One Half of All Articles on Petition Challenges Say that New York Accounts for One Half of All Election Law Litigation


MARY ALICE MILLER: [Senator Kevin] Parker was at the BOE challenging his opponent's petitions. (He didn't mention Wellington Sharpe by name.) During the conversation, Parker said this about the likelihood of petitions being challenged in Brooklyn: “The ballot process is one of the most corrupt processes. What you find in this country is that 50% of the ballot challenges happen in the state of New York. And 50% of those happen in the borough of Brooklyn.”

Let me be clear, I did not write this piece because I am out to get Senator Kevin Parker.

The American Brain Drain


The American Brain Drain


By Michael Boyajian


Bob Herbert writing in the New York Times reports that America is suffering from declining academic excellence among other things falling to 12th of 36 nations with people having college degrees.


This my friends is only the tip of the iceberg.  It’s more than Americans idly sitting in front of their TVs watching reality television while munching on a bag of potato chips without a book in the house.  The real problem is the reverse brain drain that will relegate the country to Third World status.



There is little doubt in my mind that the electeds like Senator Kevin Parker, Nick Perry and a few others from the inept Brooklyn crew, symbolize near everything wrong with too many contemporary elected officials: a breed of mindless, spineless, classless, gutless, unimaginative nincompoops; clueless as to what a true elected should stand for or be about. I say this as I personally observed (all week long) Senator Kevin Parker fighting for his political life against challenger Wellington Sharpe: in a Brooklyn court room and also at the Brooklyn Board of Elections (both located on Adams Street). It’s that faulty part of the electoral process, wherein electeds do near everything imaginable, in order to avoid an election challenge any September. Truth be told is that judges, lawyers and other officers of the court facilitate and encourage this affront to democracy every single election year.

GOP Civil War Brewing in Fishkill


GOP Civil War Brewing in Fishkill


By Michael Boyajian


It may not match the GOP battles between Rudy Giuliani and George Pataki where the two goliaths battled for top billing in the Empire State for years letting nothing get in their way including 9-11 but with all the troubles in Fishkill of late this battle between the Town Supervisor and the Village Mayor could have repercussions across the state with a new GOP guard’s ascent to power.

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