To the many peeps who have contacted or tried to contact me, enquiring as to why I haven’t written a column here for the past seven weeks: I’ll be back real soon.<.......> I had to take a lil hiatus in order to clear my head a bit. I also had to consider a couple runs for public office. I went to Trinidad for a brief visit (as a pre-requisite to possibly participating in the election campaign down there later this year) and for a little R&R. <....>
Today, I decided not to run for Congress in 2008 (it’s too late to start this/ especially as it relates to fundraising), but I am considering a run for the City Council in 2009; I will finalize that decision next year. There are talks afoot to do a wide ranging challenge of various district-leaderships (Dems.) in many boroughs during next year’s presidential excitement; so far these ideas are inchoate. There are many people who are rather disenchanted with the leadership of New’s York’s democrats and want to mix it up a bit. If those conversations mature then who knows what I’ll do next year; but I am definitely not running for Congress (11th) then, unless I hit the LOTTO soon/ lol. <....>