In the age of wifi, a power failure may not stop you from reading this, but power or not, Room 8’s quirks probably will.
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In the age of wifi, a power failure may not stop you from reading this, but power or not, Room 8’s quirks probably will.
I start this column with exactly two weeks to go until the election. The debates ended tonight (thank God, or who, or whatever). Pollsters are now destroying their fingers and credibilities. Canvassers are becoming Jehovah-witness- like nuisances, with their incessant door-knocking and bell-ringing. Fundraisers are begging credit-card holders for as little as three dollars a clip. E-mails from Obama and his minions are flooding my inbox.
The Sienna Poll says that a majority of voters want to see the Democrats take control of the State Senate, something they never managed to do even when they had the Majority.
Of course Hikind loves Cuomo–the Governor will never criticize Dov for endorsing Republicans.
Michael Grimm: The New York Times would have endorsed a Democrat ham sandwich; in this instance they would have had more credibility by doing so.
Undoubtedly true, but the ham sandwich declined to run, so they were stuck.
A couple of weeks ago, I posted a partial review of the primary results, which included this item:
Mostly, on foreign policy these guys agreed, especially on the key issue:
George McGovern was the first candidate I ever volunteered for. It made my day when I actually got to share an elevator with him at the 2008 Democratic Convention. His fight lit up when I told him I was friends with Matty Troy's daughter.
“Friday Night Lights” author Buzz Bissinger is widely being ridiculed for his statements about the Presidential race.