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Boycott Florida


Americans should boycott major attractions in Florida like Disney World, Universal Studios and Sea World so that these corporations will bring pressure on politicians in that state in order to bring about change to what is now institutional violence against blacks which has now come to a head with the killing of teenager Trayvon Martin and the lack of attention paid by local police to this crime.


Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan Is Still A Fraud


Ryan's plan still exempts those 55 and over, the generation that wanted tax cuts and got them, from any restraint on its future increases in taxpayer-funded spending. All the sacrifices are foisted onto the increasingly poorer generations who are age 54 and younger, because those older demanded what they were unwilling to pay for. It's just like all those retroactive pension enhancements followed by Tier V and Tier VI. Just like the falling private sector wages generation by generation for those at the same age.

We have a budget crisis right now, not 20 years from now, because of the selfishness and entitlement of Generation Greed, not younger generations. And no, the problem isn't that younger generations deserve less. Every indicator shows they are in fact better behaved than those 30 years ago, and faced with higher expectations for what they will contribute and lower expectations about what they will receive.


Inequality and the Economy


Looks like some economists are testing my view that you can't pay most people less, use advertizing to convince them they have to spend more and more, and have them go deeper and deeper into debt to cover the difference, indefinately. Read this.  What an era.


Now The Conservatives Are Killing Our Teenagers


The killing of this teenager in Florida is really affecting me perhaps because I see so much of myself as a teen in his last moments.  Remember being a teenager on a spring like day just walking in the rain smelling the sweet air celebrating life a life and future that stood before you like a shining city of hope where the whole world was your oyster.  There you are just walking in the rain with a bag of candy and an ice tea when suddenly a vigilante attacks you.  You screa

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