Bloomberg: End automatic tenure for teachers. This as I found out a teacher at a former school of mine was a hooker


I often drive on the Cross Bronx expressway, passing Elementary School P.S. 70, and reminisce about my school days there. I remember 3rd grade class, and playing on the roof-top gym surrounded by metal bars everywhere so no one would fall.

Surprised, but I guess really not shocked is the best way to describe when I picked up the NY Post this morning and saw a story about a current P.S. 70 teacher who was an alleged former prostitute and stripper. I've had a very successful career in journalism, and I am not attacking teachers, but I have to admit that I have always wondered how far I could have gone if I had received the same private school education as many other journalists.


Let the games begin


It's official.

Political consultant Basil Smikle is off and running against Harlem State Senator Bill Perkins.

You might as well call this the race over choice. That is charter school choice.

Perkins does not support charters, but the problem that could cost Perkins his job is his position does not sit well with many parents in the district.

Smikle came out on the attack Thursday afternoon in Harlem:
