While the idea that this can be settled with a beer seems a product of drinking too much Kool-Aid, we should put the Jumaane Williams disgrace put in context–Rudy would right now be in the process of releasing Jumaane's juvie record, and leading the cops in a
The Gateway (At The Hop Edition)
|Internships A Form Of Slavery?
|Many students today strive to enter internships while in college. The programs can be demanding with little or nothing in the way of pay. While I was in law school I did internships with a New York State Supreme Court justice, the Richmond County District Attorney and the New York Stock Exchange and enjoyed every minute of it.
The Gateway (All That Glitters is Not Goldsmith Edition)
|Hesh Rabkin: "How come Cuomo has not gotten any heat for covering up Darryl Towns' arrest for a month like Mike is getting for Goldsmith?"
Bigger Fish to Fry (NOW UPDATED)
|BINGCHESTER (at the “Albany Project” on 7/12/11): There's a lot of work to be done. Progressives in Brooklyn have a chance to send shockwaves in the Jesus Gonzalez race. Judges and District Le
Tea With Romney
|It was reported in the New York Times that Mitt Romney is courting the tea party leaving many to speculate if he was going to use his powers of persuasion to take over the movement or be swallowed whole by it.
The Threat
|Conservative forces inside the Republican Party have made a concerted effort over the last few years to destroy the liberal and moderate wings of the party. Internet searches and emails to these liberal groups turned up defunct web pages and returned email. Only some pro-choice, gay rights and environmental Republican groups remain.
Race and Ethnicity in the 54th AD [UPATED]
|To understand the importance of ethnicity in the race for Brooklyn’s 54th AD Assembly seat, it is perhaps instructive to understand a bit about the history of Latino empowerment in East Brooklyn.
Standards and Goals: Taking Back the GOP
|My wife Jeri and I were recently driving through Stony Brook on Long Island when we noticed a group of tea baggers on the side of the road waving brand new American flags and also waving and wearing the yellow, Don’t Tread on Me flag. You could tell these people did not have the means to afford all this paraphernalia, that they were being funded by some ominous and unknown group of money people.
The Gateway (Pinot Sipping Writers and Arugula Eating Boycotters Edition) [UPDATED TWICE: Even More Homophobia Added]
|Sharpton can no longer make endorsements–thank you MSNBC! For Sharpton, an Odd Stage online.wsj.com
Tickled Pincus (or 45 Ways to Leave Your Party) [Corrections and Clarifications Added x 2]
|A perhaps apocryphal story:
Last fall, shortly after the election, two young black-hatted supporters of 45th AD Republican Assembly candidate Joseph Hayon's Assembly race were walking down Ocean Avenue discussing local GOP District Leader Boris Pincus and his efforts, such that they were, on behalf of their candidate .