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The Gateway (Max McCarthy Memorial Edition) [Opening has been totally revised]


In 1970, a redistricting, and a potential race against a popular member of the local football team, led Richard “Max” McCarthy, a smart and plucky Congressman from the Buffalo suburbs (who'd won his already marginal seat in the 64 Johnson landsiide), to embark upon a kamikazee run for the US Senate.

During that race, during which, in order to dramatize our environmental problems (and attract some publicity), McCarthy went scuba-diving into the Hudson and took a balloon ride in Central Park.

The Obvious Explanation


The New York Times reports today that experts are baffled that index crimes remain low across the country despite dire economic times. They might also have been baffled that crime soared in the 1960s and early 1970s despite good economic times. The explanation is obvious — generational values. There was a crime generation just as there was a welfare generation, and a divorce and single parenthood generation. It’s the same generation. And now they are on to something else.

The crime index measure street crimes. These are disproportionately committed by young, poor men, often minority men. What the crime experts are forgetting is that as Generation Greed has aged, the surge in street crime by the poor has been replaced by a surge in white collar crime by the non-poor, and lesser victimizations that are not strictly illegal in a "beyond a reasonable doubt" sense but merely immoral. Most of the poor minority men of Generation Greed are getting too old to rob and rape and kill and burgle. The better off members of that Generation are now running our public and private institutions. Which is why we are rotting toward an institutional collapse.  Because while we had a 30 year crackdown on street crimes, some would say an excessive crackdown, there is nothing of the sort going on with regard to our institutions. This is what happens when crime moves up the social ladder. A lot of it isn’t even illegal. No "broken windows" theory applied.

OBAMA’S GUTSY CALL (Part one of two).


Last week, President Barack Obama made an unexpected call, which seems to have surprised many in both Israel and the USA.  Relative to the Arab-Israeli impasse, he bluntly and sensibly stated the obvious: it is in Israel’s long-term interest to give back seized-lands, as an opening gesture or kick-off point to reinstalling peace talks with the Palestinians. Of course, those whose interests are way above and beyond peace jumped him like he was being blasphemous. Many of them deliberately ignored some of the specific caveats in his speech: like “agreeable land-swaps”.

The Way to Fail As Governor


The way to fail as Governor, in a situation where certain powerful interests have irrevocably taken more and more and left others with less and less, is to take a deal for a symbolic victory early in one’s term, allow those powerful interests to claim they have sacrificed, and then have ordinary people realize by the end of one’s term that they are worse off than before. The way to succeed, of course, is to play the same game of having the powerful interests pretend they have sacrificed, but defer the consequences into farther off in the future. Such a symbolic but empty victory is being offered to Andrew Cuomo right now. After all, like Bloomberg, Giuliani, Pataki and Spitzer — and Lindsay and Rockefeller — he wants to be President, right? A little symbolic victory with cost deferred could really help, as all those “Presidents” showed, even if the eventual cost is devastating for all the people who don’t matter and younger generations.

52 Weighs to Pick Some Judges


Domestic Partner: Gatemouth, have you finished the speech about your dad yet? Please, please, please don’t tell me you are writing another column!

In writing a speech for my father’s 80th birthday party being held tonight in Asbury Park, I am reminded of the triumphant one I gave at his 60th which included a not only recitation from Bob Dylan’s “Forever Young,” but these stirring words:

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