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Weekend of Attack Ads; Newspapers go with Cuomo


This weekend the two leading candidates in the race for Governor are trading attack ads.

Paladino went first with his “usual suspects” ad claiming Democrat Andrew Cuomo, the current attorney general, hasn’t put corrupt politicians in jail, and has given a pass to people in his own party.

Cuomo Sunday, released two versions of an ad, one ends with "You can't clean up Albany with dirty hands."

The Cuomo ad also features Republican State Chairman Ed Cox, who is “Richard Nixon’s son-in-law.”

The ads can be seen at my website:

Taxes: Data From The Census of Governments


The two spreadsheets attached to this post have data on state and local taxes, as provided by the Governments Division of the U.S. Census Bureau. The “all state and county” spreadsheet has FY 2007 data for the U.S., each state, every county in New York State, and different areas of the state aggregated together. State taxes and local taxes, and major tax types, are identified separately. It prints as a four-page table. The “all years” spreadsheet has data on the total state and local tax burden for the U.S., New York City, the rest of New York State, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Illinois, California, Texas and North Carolina. The data is for FY 1972, and FY 1977 to FY 2008 excluding years when Census Bureau budget cuts meant no data was collected (FY 2001 and FY2003).

Per capita state and local tax data is sometimes used to identify Massachusetts, New Jersey and California as “high tax” states. But this ignores the higher average incomes in those states, and thus the higher cost of living, the greater ability to pay taxes, and the need to pay public employees more if they are to be paid as much as their neighbors doing similar work. This data presents taxes as a share of the personal income of U.S., state and area residents (as provided by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis), and thus adjusts for the ability to pay and the cost of living. When the data is presented this way, two facts stand out. In reality New York is the only true “high tax” state. And deferring taxes, by running up debts, not funding pensions, and not maintaining infrastructure, is not the same as cutting them.



When the subject of Carl Paladino came up on the Brian Vines television program (BCAT) a couple months ago, I distinctly remember -as a guest panelist- getting a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach: after all (as a voter) I would eventually have to make a choice and vote for someone in the lackluster gubernatorial field. I left the studio pledging to myself that in the general election, I would keep an open mind on every single candidate running. The reason for my angst was the difficult time I was having in closing the deal for Andrew Cuomo, given my registration as a democrat all my voting life.  You see, I hate candidates who for years stay quiet on certain significant contemporary issues, and then suddenly find their 'voice' just around election time. I don't “feel” that kind of political temerity. I really don't. And I don't think it should be rewarded either: but Andrew Cuomo will win this race -and it won't even be close. You can bet the too damn high rent on this.

Would They Be Proud Of Us Today?


Would They Be Proud of Us Today?


By Michael Boyajian


There is a question regularly featured in Greek publications and classrooms that asks would the Ancient Greeks be proud of us today?  So would they be proud of we Americans the descendents of the Western Civilization that they founded.  The idea warrants investigation.  Certainly they would be fascinated by the epic battles we fought in the Revolutionary War against the British Empire and the Second World War against those who threatened civilization much as they were threatened by Persia.   Perhaps though they would be ashamed by our Civil War because Greece lost its Golden Age in its war between Athens and Sparta but proud because we freed our slaves.  Ashamed too by our unjust wars that stained our honor.  But overall they would see Homer’s Iliad in our history.

Postman Jimmy’s Mailbag (With Verifiable Links To McMillan’s Most Hateful Stuff and His Home Shopping Network)


From MSNBC’s TECHNOBLOG: New York political blog Room Eight, through a poster named Gatemouth (the self-described "blog world's expert on Jimmy McMillan's raving lunatic obsession with THE JEWS") has also put some things out there that should dampen enthusiasm for the karate kicking, black-glove wearing, Dali-moustached candidate.

Gatemouth CLAIMS [emphasis added] he lifted this from McMillan's 2009 mayoral campaign website and posted to Room Eight under a page called "The Jimmy McMillan Show"

You can put a fork in Paladino, AG race tight

The latest survey shows you can put a folk in Carl Paladino. The only questions is can Paladino gracefully make it to the finish line.

Things are going so bad for Paladino, one has to wonder if he's calming down to do damage control for his lucrative buffalo development business.

Not only does the latest poll from the Siena Research Institute show Paladino trailing Andrew Cuomo by 37 points, (63-26 percent, among likely voters) but Two-thirds of voters now have an unfavorable impression of the Republican gubernatorial candidate.

A Call For Military Reductions


A Call for Military Reductions


By Michael Boyajian


The Obama Administration should follow the lead of the Cameron Government in Britain and begin reducing its own military expenditures.  Reductions would be a great cost saver and would perhaps super charge the economy.  Reductions would still leave the U.S. as the lead military power in the world as Britain’s proposed reductions leave it in its same ranking of military strength.  This would end the need for reductions in domestic allocations like social security, health care, education and infrastructure.

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